Author: Joseph Overaitis

by Joseph Overaitis | October 13, 2020

In part two we introduced you to the Copper Age and stated that it ended in 2008.  I also stated the end of the Copper Age signified the end of an era for the comic book industry. The person I credit for that is Robert Downey Jr....

by Joseph Overaitis | October 12, 2020

If you read part one of this trilogy you will remember we went over how comic book Ages are defined.  We also went over how metals are used for naming purposes.  So let us now introduce...   A new Age begins... The Copper Age...

by Joseph Overaitis | October 11, 2020

I have read some great arguments on GoCollect and listened to GoCollect YouTube host Regie.  I feel now is the time for me to put my two cents into this argument. Here is my position on the subject of the "Modern Age of Comics".   In...

by Joseph Overaitis | October 4, 2020

Many are not aware of this but GoCollect has a YouTube channel that is an additional resource to our readers. On that channel, bloggers of this site have their very own critics.  Well, here is me throwing down my gauntlet, Mr. October!  Here are three of my...

by Joseph Overaitis | October 1, 2020

2020 has been a crazy year and the comic book industry has seen its fair share of unusual events.  I have noticed three comic book trends that are impacting the market place in both positive and negative ways that investors and speculators should understand to...

by Joseph Overaitis | September 27, 2020

  As an attorney, I am dumbfounded as to the number one mistake people make when it comes to their investments.  I see the same mistake made by teens starting out and multi-millionaires looking to retire. No where do I see this mistake made more than...

by Joseph Overaitis | September 26, 2020

In a previous post, I mentioned how I went to see an Investment Planner for comic books. There I learned diversification is one way that Investors and Speculators can minimize their risks and protect their comic book investment. Comic Age is Important...

by Joseph Overaitis | September 25, 2020

The comic book marketplace is like the wild west when it comes to investing.    Large sums of money are invested in comic books. Fortunes can be made and life savings lost.  We must remember that the comic book market is not regulated and there is no SEC...

by Joseph Overaitis | September 25, 2020

It is one of the hottest books in the market place right now.  Prices are on the rise. Then why are people out here scared of going all-in on Ultimate Fallout #4 and why am I one of them?   My Modern Age expertise...

by Joseph Overaitis | September 24, 2020

Disney has pushed back the releases of Black Widow, Shang-Chi and the Eternals.  You are wondering what is next.  Well, DC Comics may be where you need to go for your comic book investing. Thanos could not defeat the MCU but.... Die-hard investors had...