GoCollect has a great team who take a bunch of sales numbers to create a perfect snapshot of the comic book market. The Writing teams' job is to put those numbers in the proper context. This step is necessary to place those numbers in a proper perspective.

Buyers were interviewed and observed at comic conventions, comics shots, and even at stores such as Ollie's to see not only what they were buying, but the reasons behind their purchases as well. This type of data is important to help people avoid the number one reason for buyer's remorse...FOMO!!!! Here is what we found.

Eighty Six 97

X-Men '97 is the critically acclaimed continuation of X-Men: Animated series that younger fans loved decades ago. Investors believed that the success of the series would translate into demand for keys from the series. This interest thus would drive prices upward on those keys. Each introduction of a character or storyline sent investors racing for the next key. There was one problem with that logic....

Buyers were sellers and not true buyers looking for long term success. In talking to many people it turned out long term buyers and collectors were not searching actively for these books BECAUSE of X-Men '97. X-Men '97 buyers were either very short term investors looking to dump the book after an expected windfall or FOMO driven collectors. The series was not bringing in new comic book key collectors.

Fans who were into X-Men books were looking to the long term potential of mutants in the MCU, but again even these numbers were not as large as one would believe. Older keys is what they wanted, not common Modern Age books. Many fans already had X-Men '97 keys when they were collecting in the 90s and did not need to add these books to their collections.

Buyers were looking at Uncanny X-Men #266 and other older keys, but for the right price. Grades such as 8.0 and lower were seeing interest from fans looking to add these books but not willing to pay high prices. Sadly sites pumped up '97 books with each new story element not realizing that those that would want the book probably already had them. X-Men '97 was not that important a factor to comic book buyers out in the field.

An issue that was in demand in the raw was X-Men #35 - the first appearance of Changeling. Many view this as Morph from the animated series. The reason though that issue was in demand among fans was not because of the animated series. The reason buyers wanted it was because it also has an early Amazing Spider-Man appearance. Webhead plus the X-Men equals buyer's interest.

Early X-Men keys are undervalued so people value them. The problem is that FOMO tends to create a panic causing people to misdiagnose the markets. The animated series is where most investors went because a lot of sites were hyping those related titles. Buyers though are not seeking these keys out, only investors looking to make a quick dollar. If even these buyers do not believe in the books long term potential why should you pay a premium for these books?

Usual Suspects in Not the Usual Places

Intelligence is always important in fact finding endeavours. These details reveal who the players are that one needs to follow. Every show dealers make transactions among each other usually on the first day of a convention. These individuals are looking for specific items BEFORE the attendees get even a chance to look at them. Astute buyers also make pilgrimages to shows on the first day looking to spot some of these scores as well. A trend is emerging that the GoCollect universe should familiarize themselves with before it is too late.

Pre-Code horror is beyond the reach of many collectors. Issues sometimes go for multi-times the FMV if they even come to market at all. Horror comics are always in big demand so certain individuals, including this writer, have started to look elsewhere for good deals. There is a segment that is now rising in demand.

Bronze Age horror comics are seeing an increase in interest. These books were created by artists and writers who were once fans inspired William Gaines' EC Comics. They pushed the comic code more than was attempted in the Silver Age. Titles such as The Witching Hour and Weird War Tales have some very graphic covers from some notable artists. These issues have been ignored in the past, but not any longer!!!! Sources of these titles and many others are staring to become scarce

Buyers are seeking out cool covers and with noted artists attached to them. Dealers and collectors are starting to scoop these titles up because most hobbyists are still looking at the MCU and movie related properties. Multiple times guide profit margins is the short and long term goal of these individuals. The irony is that some of those Bronze Age horror beauties offer that potential. The difference is with such low purchase prices the risk is much smaller than supposed "hot" books.

Day Late, Dollars Short

GoCollect mentioned the spike in interest in Dave Stevens books years before many other sites noticed. Now his books are in demand and people are paying a premium for those once undervalued works. We also mentioned a while back the growing segment of foreign comic books that was gaining a following among collectors. How about we combine the two?

People are chasing his books looking for those high grade specimens that will be in demand. The belief is that these books will be rare based upon the condition. The magic with foreign comics is that they are rarer than their US counterparts. Imagine going to Motor City Comic Con and seeing this french beauty with a Dave Stevens' cover:

There is a reason investors and collectors visit events like Motor City Comic Con. These shows have very unique niche vendors that have different items that one may never see at other shows. Shelby Ferguson from HotKey Comics is an authority on foreign comics. He recently conducted a well attended seminar on foreign comics. If readers are looking for rare foreign editions like that Stevens' book he is your guy...I mean who else would know that this book

would contain a foreign edition of Daredevil #1 on sight. Did you the reader know it?

Oh by the way....Many of the dealers were sporting foreign editions of books on their walls and buyers were intrigued. Several buyers stated that US versions may be out of their price range but the foreign editions were not. Click on this link and ask Shelby any questions you may have on these and other foreign books. He is a great resource.

Buyers Talk, GoCollect Listens

Comic collectors and investors must understand what motivates buyers. Everyone in the hobby has the fear of missing out, but rarely does anyone ask the question of what they are missing out on? Too many times investors try to hit it out of the park by getting in on the next hot book. The problem is that they never ask the buyers why they would want the book.

Many times buyers are hyped into purchasing Uncanny X-Men #221, X-Men #130, and other issues to sell to other buyers at a profit. This type of game is very dangerous one to play. Hobbyists are competing all on a level playing field following the same rules targeting the same limited market. Without identifying other buyers many of these individuals will end up losing money or stuck with inventory no one wants.

Knowing why a book might be in demand is one thing. Identifying who it will want to buy it is even more important. Swifties all love her merchandise, but not a one was interested in buying the first appearance of Dazzler EVEN if she does end up playing her in a movie. If that is the case where is the market for her first appearance if everyone is buying the book with the intent to sell it off?

That is what the writing team is trying to do when we go beyond the numbers. Sales data is here for readers to see but the GoCollect writing team digs deeper. Hyping products may seem a great concept for some sites, but not here. Identifying targets of that hype will minimize the danger of FOMO. A book may appear to be a perfect no-lose investment, but if you do not know the end consumer...Well then you Sir/Madam have fallen ill with FOMO.

“Personally, I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms.” – Dale Carnegie