Author: Joseph Overaitis

by Joseph Overaitis | January 15, 2023

The economy and overall status of the comic book market are not doing well. Disposable income is drying up and as a result, comic book prices are falling. People are still buying but the prices people are willing to pay are way down.  The data is there...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 3, 2023

It is that time of year for new beginnings. The new year is when people make resolutions to improve their lives.  Comic book collectors and investors should do the same.  No matter how successful you are, there is always room for improvement.  Here are a few resolutions...

by Joseph Overaitis | December 23, 2022

I have waited for this holiday season for the whole year.  I have been preparing my list and now I am ready for an article that needed to be written.  Here it is, in the spirit of the season... Bring out that aluminum pole, because I am...

by Joseph Overaitis | December 14, 2022

Everyone is looking for comic book bargains.  Investors want to find them to make a good profit. Collectors want them to save money for future targets.  The problem is that many of these bargains are not sexy picks.  Rarely do these bargains deal with the MCU, X-Men,...

by Joseph Overaitis | December 10, 2022

There are many products that claim to provide comic book collectors and investors a much-needed advantage in the hobby.  A recent product has arrived that I decided to investigate to see if it could assist my readers.  This article is a book review of "The Official CGC...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 20, 2022

Self-service methods to sell comic books were discussed in Part One of this series. Those comic books can be anywhere from higher-end books to low-end filler copies. The pluses and minuses were discussed. Now the other side of the comic book spectrum is visited.  Let us now...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 15, 2022

A while back, I started an experiment here at GoCollect.  The focus was to describe a newbie's experience submitting books to be graded.  In an attempt to provide our readers greater information on the topic, an extra set of books were added to be graded in a...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 7, 2022

Recently, I was in the field listening to retailers at the Motor City Comic Con ("MC3"). The goal was to hear what was moving in sales or generating word-of-mouth interest.  The benefit of obtaining that information from conventions is that most of the buyers who come to...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 6, 2022

Comic books are considered alternative investments by financial planners. Even if collectors want to classify their interest in the hobby as something else, it does not matter. The IRS does not care if someone says they are a collector because in the end, comic books are investments....

by Joseph Overaitis | October 26, 2022

The GoCollect readers deserve nothing but the best. Rather than sitting back, this reporter was once again sent into the field to gather the what's what in comics, pop culture, and collectibles.  Our readership is diverse, but through hard work, some scoops and interesting insights were obtained...