Category: Comics

by Jeff Meyer | October 26, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Wolverine Manifest Destiny #1 of 4 Marvel Comics Aaron, Segovia & Rauch I wasn’t going to pick this issue up. I leafed through it and the LCS guy recommended it so I bought it. I was pleasantly surprised with the story...

Loading Sales Available Now
by Jeff Meyer | October 26, 2008

ComicList: Image for 10/29/2008 (this is what we believe will be available on this date; come back Monday night for the final and complete list) Astounding Wolf-Man #9, $2.99 Call Of Duty Series 1 Action Figure Assortment, AR DNAgents Industrial Strength Edition TP, $24.99 Kick Drum Comix #2 (of 2), $5.99

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

ComicList Week In Review Volume 14, Issue 43 We bought The Incredible Hulk on DVD yesterday, and we've watched it at least three times. It's a shame the deleted scenes were deleted in the first place, as they added a lot to the movie. My question is, why not sell a DVD that allows...

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Secret Invasion #7 Marvel Comics Bendis, Yu, Morales & Martin One big fight. That’s what this issue is. The comic has some comedy, some drama, one huge twist and a ton of action. The artwork jams a ton into each panel....

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Hulk #7 Marvel Comics Loeb, Adams & Cho Two hulk stories in one comic. While this issue is very entertaining you can’t really think about it too hard otherwise you realize the story doesn’t really exist. It’s a fun read with...

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Suspended Animation Review Speed Demonz #1/32 pgs. & $3.99 from Angry Viking Press/words and art by Gabriel Lamberty/sold at comics shops and at Let’s do the math. Comic books in the early 1930s were 64 pages of art and story at about 12 panels per page....

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews GI Joe A New Beginning #0 IDW Comics Dixon, Atkins, Hama, Feister, Costa, Gage & Fuso Is it possible to write an unbiased review about a story that you generally don’t agree with the overall direction? Nope. I hate the idea...

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Reviews from The Blog From Another World Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A chain of events leaves a somewhat whiny kid named Skywalker an orphan. The story picks up just as the boy starts his journey of self-discovery while an evil Emperor tries to hunt him...

by Jeff Meyer | October 25, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Superman New Krypton Special #1 DC Comics Johns, Robinson, Gates, Woods, Frank, Guedes, Sibal and Magalhaes This issue is fantastic. It may start off the big crossover called “New Krypton” but this is an excellent standalone issue. I highly recommend this...