Category: Comics

by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Cable #7 Marvel Comics Swierczynski & Olivetti Cable finds a peaceful spot to live while Bishop is an idiot and gets captured in the present. This issue finally puts an end to the cat and mouse game of Cable running from...

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by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Daredevil #111 Marvel Comics Brubaker, Mann, Gaudiano & Hollingsworth The start of a new arc gains a new reader: me. I read the freebie last month that explained the past four or five arcs of Daredevil and level set the field...

by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Wolverine Annual #2 Marvel Comics Swierczynski & Deodato A harmless one shot in what is becoming a monthly occurrence for Wolverine. This comic has the honor carrying the main’s title’s title with word “Annual” tacked on the end of it. I...

by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Suspended Animation Review Captain Gravity and The Power of The Vril, published by Penny Farthing Press, 194 pages, $19.95. Joshua Jones is a hero.  He just doesn’t know it.  And, as a young black man working in the movie industry of the ‘30's,...

by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Batman #680 DC Comics Morrison, Daniel & Florea The review I didn’t want to write. It’s the penultimate chapter of RIP and with this issue brings two things that you should be warned about before reading further. If you don’t like...

by Jeff Meyer | October 4, 2008

Updated shipping information for comics and products being released beyond the week of 10/08/2008, provided by Diamond Distribution and our friends at Things From Another World. View a dynamic version of this list, updated several times each week, leading up to its Friday release. Please let me know if any of the names...

by Jeff Meyer | October 3, 2008

Dark Horse Comics, known for breaking tradition and bucking trends, is excited to announce the company’s participation in the Jones Limited program at with the like-minded soda maker, Jones Soda Co. As part of this program, fans of comics and soda alike will be able to purchase collectible-themed bottles featuring some of their...

by Jeff Meyer | October 3, 2008

Zack Snyder recently took a strong position on there being no chance whatsoever of a sequel to his upcoming adaptation of Watchmen. A position I both applaud and support. But the news is out, and according to IESB, it seems that Snyder is looking forward to revisiting the blood furrowed grounds...

by Jeff Meyer | October 3, 2008

Want your first look inside Secret Invasion #7? Need a look inside the next issue of Deadpool? Can’t wait for more Astonishing X-Men? Well, we’re here to help! Get your first look at these and more in this week’s MyCup o’ Joe at MySpace Comic Books (! Marvel Editor in Chief Joe Quesada sits down...

by Jeff Meyer | October 3, 2008

WRITING COMIC BOOKS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS Work in a medium that publishers and studios love! You don't have to draw to make a graphic novel. But you do have to know how to write comics, attract a great artist, find the right publisher, and work with all of them. This course will take you through...