Category: Comics

by Jeff Meyer | September 15, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Secret Invasion X-Men #2 of 4 Marvel Comics Carey & Nord Well, the X-Men appear to be able to handle the Skrulls and even the Super Skrulls so what’s left? Well this issue doesn’t exactly show us how the Skrulls are...

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by Jeff Meyer | September 15, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Secret Invasion #6 of 8 Marvel Comics Bendis, Yu, Morales & Martin Ah the war has finally gotten Earth’s heroes to hit back. The Marvel trinity is reunited in this issue and things seem to swing the other way. Or does...

by Jeff Meyer | September 15, 2008

The kind folks at Archie Comics have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics and other products featured in the October 2008 Previews, scheduled to ship December 2008. ARCHIE COMICS SHIPPING DECEMBER 2008 THE ARCHIES: GREATEST HITS VOLUME ONE Everyone's...

by Jeff Meyer | September 15, 2008

Norwalk, CT - September 12, 2008 - ComicMix Editor-in-Chief Mike Gold today announced the debut of three graphic novels exclusively at the Baltimore Comic-Con. The full-color books have been serialized on the popular website and are only now available as printed volumes: EZ Street - The Harvey-nominated graphic novel by Robert Tinnell (Feast of...

by Jeff Meyer | September 15, 2008

Visionary Comics Studio will be appearing at the Baltimore Comic Con Saturday, September 27th and Sunday, September 28th! Baltimore is VCS's home convention so the whole studio will be out in force including staff Charlie Hall and Ben Chafe, creators Mike Kingston, Chris McCay, Kirk Kugel, Brian Koscienski, Chris Pisano and many others! Come by...

by Jeff Meyer | September 14, 2008

In his latest MyCup o’Joe, Joe Quesada talks about work for hire and creator owned comics.

by Jeff Meyer | September 14, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Lone Ranger #13 Dynamite Comics Matthews, Cariello & Cassaday Don’t get me wrong. I love the Lone Ranger and his return to comics. I loved the first group of issues. However, this particular issue and the first two of this arc...

by Jeff Meyer | September 14, 2008

The Los Angeles Times asks Frank Miller, who expressed a mixture of surprise and delight, about the recalled All Star Batman #10 which, incredibly, was not entirely recalled and destroyed. As of this writing over 200 copies are on sale on Ebay.

by Jeff Meyer | September 14, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Green Lantern Corps #28 DC Comics Tomasi, Ross & Laguna The mysterious deaths of the Green Lantern rookie’s family members are solved as the Lanterns utilize some tricks of their own to track down the killer. The comic gives some great...

by Jeff Meyer | September 14, 2008

In the 1960s, comic book collectors were viewed as misfits and were frequently the object of ridicule. Today, of course, they are viewed more like shrewd investors. In 1967 in Oklahoma City, a small group of misfits – but otherwise shrewd investors – met for the first time to share their passion for comics, classic...