Spotlight on Civil War: The Return

Editor Steve Wacker sheds some light on the Civil War tie-in

When the Civil War is over, the Marvel Universe will stand transformed. Not just rhetoric, those words will soon be gospel, and should serve as both a promise and a warning to those who feel they know every in and out of the famous Marvel heroes and villains. When the dust settles, the landscape will be changed forever, paving the way for a favorite--yet absent--character to return.

We recently cornered editor Steve Wacker, a man of few words yet mighty actions who's still relatively new to the Marvel stable, and interrogated him for news of the ultra-mysterious project known as CIVIL WAR: THE RETURN. Though coerced details were sparse, the weight of this ominous one-shot loomed over the proceedings like the proverbial 800-pound gorilla.

CIVIL WAR: THE RETURN, collaborated upon by the more-than-capable team of Paul Jenkins, Tom Raney and Scott Hanna, is in truth two complete stories. These tales are of such monumental import that the ecstatic editors of the House of Ideas simply couldn't cram them into CIVIL WAR proper. As Wacker deftly adds, this should make THE RETURN "one of the biggest books of the new year."

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