Cold Cut Product Spotlight -- Thieves and Kings

Mark Oakley's epic fantasy series is back with a new, full-color graphic novel!

The royal wizard, Quinton Zempfester, has lost his job. Again. This time though, his name has also been added to the top of the kingdom's list of most wanted criminals. Unfairly accused by teh dark witch who has seized the throne, Quinton decides that perhaps a little treason might not be such a bad idea after all.

From Cold Cut's earliest days, Thieves and Kings has been among our favorite series. An intelligently-written, well-plotted fantasy by Mark Oakley, Thieves and Kings ran for 45 comic issues (available in 5 separate trade paperbacks) -- and now Quinton returns in a special side-adventure. This is a 64-page, self-contained story, in a squarebound, digest-sized book -- in full color! To find out more about the series, please visit

* Thieves and Kings: The Walking Mage (THIKP01) I-Box Publishing [50] 9.95

Cold Cut is a wholesale distributor of small-press, independent and alternative graphic novels and comic books to comics retailers and bookstores. (We do not sell directly to comic readers). To find out more information about Cold Cut, please visit our website