Author: Chris Severs

by Chris Severs | March 17, 2023

I recently read a fantastic feature on THE HUSTLE by Zachary Crockett, about a fellow who simply loves cars - the tiny metal ones known lovingly as HOT WHEELS.  Bruce Pascal owns over 7,000 of the incredibly-detailed little vehicles, of which he carries insurance...

by Chris Severs | February 16, 2023

If you're anything like me, or most collectors for that matter, our past influences the things we collect today.  This article is Part II of why I ended up loving digital collectibles, where I will focus on a few key aspects of my career that led me...

by Chris Severs | February 3, 2023

Amazon is one of the world's most recognizable and successful companies, and it's easy to see why. The company, founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, has played a major role in shaping the way we shop and consume online. In fact, many would argue Amazon has...

by Chris Severs | January 17, 2023

The one thing I hold dearest since becoming "a writer" is the tremendous feedback I receive from my readers.  Some negative of course, but overwhelmingly supportive and uplifting.  However, I have noticed a bit of a trend on the negative responses, often questioning my passion for...

by Chris Severs | January 2, 2023

As a comic book collector having held assets for roughly 35 years, the pace of technology adoption continues to astound and impress me.  While many of us LOVE our physical comic books and would never think of replacing them, the fact is technology has hit the comic...

by Chris Severs | December 9, 2022

A New Take on an Age-Old Classic, as Told by a VeVe Digital Collecting Enthusiast! [caption id="attachment_213063" align="aligncenter" width="181"] VeVe Coca-Cola Polar Bear Snow Globe in AR[/caption] 'Twas the week before VeVeXMas, when all through the...

by Chris Severs | November 27, 2022

I am often asked what started my collecting journey or why I still do it after all these years, and what on earth will happen to ALL THAT STUFF?  These are challenging questions to answer, but maybe sharing some of my “behind the scenes” reasons will connect...

by Chris Severs | November 1, 2022

Since posting my first blogs on digital (NFT) collecting, I receive MANY questions about collecting strategies...

by Chris Severs | October 10, 2022

37 years of physical comic collecting to digital collecting.  Is this for real? Now enjoying my 5th decade on Spaceship Earth, I have been collecting physical comic books on and off for a tad over 37 years since purchasing my first comic at age 14.  That book...