Author: Norman Robinson

by Norman Robinson | May 16, 2018

Speculation is the mother’s milk of most industries, especially in the comic book retail space. The newbie speculator can and indeed should bet on comics and collectibles. It keeps the market expanding, and provides retailer profits. You should buy comics you already like to read.  You...

by Norman Robinson | May 11, 2018

If you were to roll up all of the features of a superhero into one character; then that character would be the Silver Surfer. Bravery, honor, self-sacrifice, and pure willpower supported by the power cosmic is the Surfer’s calling card. He is neck and neck with...

by Norman Robinson | May 10, 2018

With the Venom movie due out in October 2018 anything with his name is hot. Venom: Lethal Protector #1 is such a comic. In fact, over the past two years a (9.9) has returned a shocking 600%! The crazy thing is, this key is still at...

by Norman Robinson | May 4, 2018

These three comics represent two of the favored heroes of the Marvel comics and one newcomer to the modern popularity scene, Captain Marvel. She had a hint of a debut in Avengers: Infinity War in the final credit scene. Hopefully, Brie Larson can...

by Norman Robinson | May 3, 2018

The Red Goblin watch is over; this character has finally appeared in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #798. Red-Gobie’s first intro is a lesson in ferocity which would give Sabertooth a run for his money. This was a huge grandstanding entrance for Big Red. Peter...

by Norman Robinson | April 30, 2018

X-Force #11 The latest Deadpool 2 trailer shows Domino as part of Deadpool’s team of reprobates. Her character’s powers are “luck” based, yes we are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this origin. Domino is also, a deadly mercenary kind of similar to Deadpool...

by Norman Robinson | April 28, 2018

You thought I was talking about Captain America, didn’t you? Wrong. We have another Captain on the scene folks: Captain Marvel. The Captain’s alter ego played by Carol Danvers is celebrating her 50th year anniversary this year. She first appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes...

by Norman Robinson | April 26, 2018

One comic issue has shot straight up like a booster rocket into space. This meteoric rise is from the issue Thanos #13 (Artist Variant Leg). It was created by D. Cates (writer) and Geoff Shaw (art). A recent November variant, this book...

by Norman Robinson | April 24, 2018

The Avengers Infinity War is going to thunder into theaters on opening night this Thursday. The blogosphere has rumors about largest pre-sales of all MCU movies to date. I don’t doubt it. The anticipation and hype have been frothing like a cappuccino from...

by Norman Robinson | April 22, 2018

It is the 80th Anniversary of Superman’s creation. This character started it all, the very first superhero. Even if you aren’t a big DC fan, you still have to respect the guy that gave us superheroes and supervillains. Well, Henry Cavill appreciated Superman...