Category: Key Issues

by ChargingGoat | October 8, 2019

Are you already planning on speculation for the upcoming Marvel offerings?  If you are, I have a question for you:  Are you putting as much "value" into a character that is going to premiere on Disney+ streaming rather than focusing on the major films in Phase...

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by Matt Tuck | October 8, 2019

With Spider-Man back in the MCU, there’s a new batch of rumors pointing towards more villains entering the fold, which means their keys will inevitably spike. And it’s all leading to the Sinister Six. We’ve already got Vulture, Shocker,...

by James Jou | October 7, 2019

In honor of Captain America’s fighting prowess, which on occasion has been directed at friend and foe alike; here we look at a few comic books that featured covers with Captain America fighting with his fellow heroes. While it was entertaining to see some of the matchups...

by James Jou | October 7, 2019

Even if you have the strongest Pokemon in your lineup, there is still that strange itch when you see a blank spot in your Pokedex. Likewise, even if you have a Star Wars or MCU movie that you hate, what is a collection without every single one?...

by Matt Tuck | October 6, 2019

While everyone’s attention is fixated on Moon Knight’s first appearance, the astute collector is watching these two key issues. Everything Moon Knight has been turning to gold lately. Ever since Disney’s D23 conference in August when Marvel Studios announced a Moon Knight series...

by Norman Robinson | October 6, 2019

The top five comics from last month have one thing in common: they are all Marvel Comics. The closest rival from DC Comics is The Batman Adventures #12 which placed 14th in popularity. But this is not surprising as Harley has a movie coming out. Also, Image...

by James Jou | October 5, 2019

Like Kit-Kat which has more flavors than just milk chocolate and white chocolate, here is another entry in the article series that seeks to broaden horizons beyond the mainstay superhero names. On a side note, did you know that Kit Kat introduced a novel type of “Ruby”...

by James Jou | October 5, 2019

Did you know the Avengers Charter (UN version) includes a monthly stipend of $100 for the part-time/on call members?  Quite the allowance.  With the team’s deep pockets and Rolodex, the roster has experienced many different combinations of names.  With that, here we examine the market for a...

by James Jou | October 4, 2019

For every one hero, there is a plethora of sidekicks, a dime a dozen. Batman alone has had five different Robins, in addition to the countless non-Robin sidekicks. Similarly, Captain America also has had many sidekicks, but with the difference of a bit more creativity in their...

by ARIELLAZO | October 4, 2019

With new blood taking the reins of the Batman Movie legacy, new arcs and heroes will soon see the big screen. Matt Reeves is directing and producing the next film to star our caped crusader, but this time he will be taking a more classic role of...