Dismayed by the havoc wreaked on the Earth by humankind, its five guardian spirits decide to act. But as they argue amongst themselves on what the judgement should be, one enraged spirit, Nila, becomes determined to take matters into her own hands, forcing the remaining four to unite in a desperate final battle to prevent her from wiping not just humans, but all life from the face of the planet.

This is a highly personal and timely book that features some of Eldo's most beautiful artwork to date. With its central themes of ecology, philosophy and spirituality, Hen Kai Pan is a kinetic, emotionally charged work that delivers a powerful message that will resonate not just with manga fans, but all readers.

"Hen Kai Pan" translates as "One and All", and is the motto of Cosmotheism.

Creator: Eldo Yoshimizu
Publisher: Titan Comics
Softcover, 192pp, $14.99, £12.99
On sale April 2022
ISBN: 9781787738379

About the Creators:

Eldo Yoshimizu was born in 1965 in Tokyo. Having specialized in sculpture while studying at the University of Arts in Tokyo, he has installed numerous works in public space - some of them are among the most significant sculptures in Japan. Exhibitions in Japan as well as throughout Asia and in New York prove his international success and led him in 1994 to a scholarship as "Artist in Residence" in New York. In 2003 he realized the work »First Light« for the art and exhibition space of the Louis Vuitton branch in Omotesando. With the feeling of having satisfied his hunger in the field of contemporary fine art, he turned to Gekigaand began to focus on the interplay of object and space in the art of storytelling. He also works as a photographer and as a musician.