Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Walking Dead #60

Walking Dead #60
Image Comics
Kirkman, Adlard & Rathburn

This issue primarily deals with the fallout of the main characters running into a zombie herd. However, the real development occurs when the scientist explains some of the zombie behavior. Overall, this is a good issue and is true to the franchise. However, in judging this series I find myself grading based on whether or not a new reader would be totally hooked by reading this issue. Some might, but it wouldn’t be unanimous. That doesn’t mean the issue is a throwaway by any means. There are definitely some items in it worth discussing further.

As Rick and company try to outrun the herd, Rick realizes they are too close to where they left the others. Essentially they would be bringing the herd right to their friends. In an attempt to lose the herd they run into a house. They hope the zombies will swarm the house and they can slip out the back door. This sequence is interesting because I am pretty sure that this is the first scene in this series that directly pays homage to Night of the Living Dead. It was actually a pretty good twist on the scene from the movie. It’s as if Rick found the house after the movie’s scene in the house to some extent.

Perhaps the best part of the comic happens while they are in the house trying to find noise makers. Morgan stumbles upon the family that previously occupied the house. He didn’t just find their bodies, but he was able to reconstruct how they died and it’s visually disturbing, but worse once you realize exactly what went down.

After Rick executes his plan the others are seen. All of the characters get a little bit of page time, some have some heart to heart conversations with others and some are up to no good. However, the scientist provides a glimpse into the essence of a zombie. He gives probably the first account of how the zombies play off of each other. It’s a very cool development to finally have a character articulate what the zombies can do.

The issue doesn’t really have a cliffhanger, but it does have a character or two at a crossroad. It would seem this is the issue right before some people die, but I felt that way last issue so I could be wrong.

The comic is entertaining but has its ups and downs. It’s rare that an issue in this series starts off with some racing and ends with a slow and tender moment. This switch up in storytelling left me a little letdown. I’m just not sure a newer reader would be clawing to get the next issue. Although, the previews at the back of this issue are really enticing.

This issue is certainly worth reading. It’s got outstanding artwork and excellent characterization. However, the bar for this series is ridiculously high and this one just couldn’t quite reach it.

3 out of 5 geek goggles