Category: Comics in Movies & TV

by Matt Tuck | January 22, 2020

Blue Beetle is about to become mainstream thanks to HBO Max, but Jaime Reyes isn’t the only Beetle with keys worth collecting. It’s easy to forget that Blue Beetle has been in comics for 81 years. The overshadowed Golden Age superhero...

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by ChargingGoat | January 21, 2020

Merchandise!  Disney loves to market their characters.  If you can make a worthless Porg something people want, you can do it with just about any character.  Baby Yoda is all the rave right now, and Star Wars is the king of marketing characters.  Marvel has had...

by Matt Tuck | January 19, 2020

HBO Max is giving Blue Beetle the live-action treatment, and that will boost values for a couple of key Infinite Crisis issues. Although Jaime Reyes has been a staple of the animated Young Justice and...

by Ryan Kirksey | January 19, 2020

Comic speculation in 2020 is a tough game to play. With the proliferation of information available through any number of websites, apps, sales data trackers, etc., it is next to impossible to gain an edge when considering what books will pop in the near future. What many of us are forced to do is resort...

by ChargingGoat | January 16, 2020

Have you seen the Mandalorian on Disney+ yet?  I would say any episode is better than any Star Wars movie released since the 1980s.  It is engaging, fun, witty, and everything we need in good TV.  I have been cautious about what...