Category: Key Issues

by Norman Robinson | December 30, 2019

The hunt for comics is something every speculator enjoys. Finding that potential future big key, price variant, or origin story in some forgotten bin with an undervalued price tag is just plain fun. Think of it as treasure hunting but for comic books, not gold doubloons. During...

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by Norman Robinson | December 29, 2019

There are some teams that are seemingly unbeatable. The 1984 U.S.A. Olympic Hockey Team, our wonderful U.S. Armed Forces or even the "Dream Team" of basketball from the 90s. All of these have one thing in common, quality teamwork. In Marvel Comics the best...

by ChargingGoat | December 28, 2019

Do you sometimes wish that Marvel had made different choices with some of its characters...especially in the department of movie adaptations?  For example, the Punisher has had multiple opportunities to wow crowds and woo fans but always ends up with mixed...

by James Jou | December 27, 2019

Long before the current Mandalorian (and baby Yoda) craze, was the craze for the original Mandalorian, Boba Fett. He was so popular that he managed to outgrow his Star Wars Holiday Special debut and even survive death by Sarlacc pit. In an...

by Norman Robinson | December 27, 2019

Who has the face of Jack Palance, the villainy of Adolf Hitler and the cunning of Richard Nixon? According to Jack Kirby, those are the personalities he used to create the ominous one himself, Darkseid. This Kirby creation is a Machiavelian villain with...

by Matt Tuck | December 26, 2019

A year after making predictions for 2019, it is time to check on the picks and see how they fared for the past 12 months. Before I make my 2020 choices, it's time to analyze last year's selections from "Four Comics to Watch in 2019" and "Best...

by James Jou | December 26, 2019

Given the rising popularity of Jonathan Hickman’s House of X/Powers of X, it makes one wonder when some of his Image Comics originals will gain favor in the market.  Especially with the recent deluge of more eclectic comic books turned TV series choices; such as The Boys,...

by Matt Tuck | December 24, 2019

Tis the season for spending, but when it comes to those “holy grail” comics, it’s a bad time to sell (but a great time to buy). Welcome to the dreaded "Christmas dip." During the holiday season, the comic market generally slows down. It’s one of the worst times of the year...

by Matt Tuck | December 23, 2019

One of the biggest comic stories of the summer was the debut of a fifth ninja turtle, Jennika. Collectors and investors flocked for her key issues months ago, inflating the values in the process, but are they still worth those price tags? Back...

by James Jou | December 23, 2019

Originally created as a way around the Comics Code Authority’s rules against vampires, Sauron has since risen to become one of the X-Men’s greatest antagonists. And yes, Sauron is named after the dark lord in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings novels. With much of X-Men...