Category: Comics

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | November 9, 2022

Batman changed comics forever when he burst onto the scene in May 1939 in Detective Comics no. 27. It took little time for the character's subsequent success to lead him to his own titled comic, which debuted in the spring of 1940. Since then, the...

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by jkornblatt | November 9, 2022

One of the single biggest drivers of comic book speculation nowadays is the MCU.  From major characters like Spider-Man all the way down to D-listers like Frog Man, the MCU has fundamentally changed the way people look at comic books.  The goal of this...

by Matt Tuck | November 9, 2022

Blade’s daughter, Bloodline, is getting her first solo title, and that has MCU potential written all over it. Marvel is going full-throttle with Brielle Brooks. Better known as Bloodline, she has only been in the Marvel-616 continuity since this past spring,...

by jkornblatt | November 8, 2022

No matter what kind of investing someone is doing, the end goal is always the same: maximize potential for profit and minimize potential for loss.  When it comes to comics, books with multiple first appearances in many ways represent the pinnacle of this idea.  All it takes...

by Matt Tuck | November 8, 2022

There’s no question Mr. Mxyzptlk is a deserving oddball, but he could be on his way to movie screens now that Man of Steel 2 is in the works. Fans of the Golden Age comics and...

by ComicArtTrends | November 8, 2022

"Everything old is new again" is attributed to Stephen King, but I suspect poets and farmers turned that phrase many times before that author.  And what do we say about fashion...just wait a while and it will soon be...

by Matt Tuck | November 7, 2022

When it comes to A-list actors, Kevin Feige collects them like we collect comics. The word on the internet is that he has his sights set on adding his next piece to the set, Better Call Saul’s Bob Odenkirk.

by Joseph Overaitis | November 7, 2022

Recently, I was in the field listening to retailers at the Motor City Comic Con ("MC3"). The goal was to hear what was moving in sales or generating word-of-mouth interest.  The benefit of obtaining that information from conventions is that most of the buyers who come to...

by Luke Smith | November 7, 2022

When it comes to superheroes, we are fortunately spoiled for choice, and in this day and age, there is pretty much a hero for everyone. As we grow up, our heroes change and some of us even stray over to the Dark Side, choosing instead to pledge...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 6, 2022

Comic books are considered alternative investments by financial planners. Even if collectors want to classify their interest in the hobby as something else, it does not matter. The IRS does not care if someone says they are a collector because in the end, comic books are investments....