Category: Comics

by Jeff Meyer | June 30, 2008

ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Beginning today, Domino's Pizza (NYSE: DPZ), the recognized world leader in pizza delivery, will deliver the ultimate The Dark Knight experience, including: -- The New Gotham City Pizza -- TDK $10K Giveaway for 21 Days -- The Dark Knight Vault Interactive Experience The New Gotham City Pizza...

Loading Sales Available Now
by Jeff Meyer | June 30, 2008

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Platinum Studios, Inc. (OTCBB:PDOS), an entertainment company that controls an international library of more than 5,600 comic book characters which it adapts, produces and licenses for all forms of media, today announced that it is in negotiations to acquire WOWIO, LLC, a leading online source for downloading digital books and comics. This acquisition...

by Jeff Meyer | June 30, 2008

Over the past several years, Archie Comics has delighted comic shop customers with exclusive giveaway comics produced in conjunction with Diamond Distribution. In addition to Archie’s involvement in Diamond’s annual Free Comic Book Day program, Archie has also served up thrills and chills come Halloween-time. These full-color, 16-page, Halloween-themed comics have all-new stories and art...

by Jeff Meyer | June 29, 2008

We have an opportunity for anyone interested in receiving some free books who is willing to promise a bit of work in return. I am going to send my copies of GUIN SAGA MANGA TP SEVEN MAGI Volumes One and Two to one lucky person, and all they have to do is ask for them,...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

ComicList Week In Review Volume 14, Issue 26 Michael Turner passed away. And I finally saw the Incredible Hulk movie. Subscribe to ComicList Week In Review by Email. COMICLISTS ComicList Extended Forecast for 07/02/2008 Preliminary ComicList for 07/02/2008 ComicList: Manga for 06/25/2008 ComicList for 06/25/2008 ComicList for...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Uncanny X-Men #499 Marvel Comics Brubaker, Choi, Oliver and Oback Let’s set the expectation right here: this arc isn’t meant to rock the X universe. However, it does establish a touch of a new status quo. So in that regard, this...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

Suspended Animation Review Rom: Spaceknight, published by Marvel Comics, 32 pages. As an 11-year-old child, discovering Rom: Spaceknight was just more icing on the cake that was the world of comics. The exciting concept of a heroic alien, stationed on our planet to wipe out an evil...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

Unfortunately it's with great sadness that I must inform everyone that Michael Turner tragically passed away last night, June 27th at approximately 10:42 pm in Santa Monica, Ca. Turner had been dealing with recent health complications arisen in the past few weeks. More details concerning Turner's passing, and services, will be given shortly. Anyone...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Green Lantern #32 DC Comics Johns, Reis & Albert Green Lantern’s origin retelling rolls right along with the introduction of Sinestro and the expansion of Carol involved with Hal and the making of the villain Hector Hammond. This issue has an...

by Jeff Meyer | June 28, 2008

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews Hulk #4 Marvel Comics Loeb, McGuinness, Vines & Keith The two Hulks fight. This issue contains plenty of action, some really nice art and a story that is so far out of the Hulk continuity that I question what the purpose...