James Cameron is reportedly writing a new Terminator script, and that could be the saving grace for a franchise that’s been struggling since 1992. 

Let’s face the facts: there hasn’t been an honestly good Terminator movie since T2: Judgement Day. Granted, T2 is an absolute masterpiece of a film. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Robert Patrick were at their bests in a sequel that took the original concept to new heights. It was here that Cameron proved that Aliens was no fluke, and it would pave the way for his ascension to Hollywood elite. 

Then all the other Terminator movies happened. Once Cameron left the franchise, it quickly fell apart. Granted Christian Bale’s Terminator: Salvation wasn’t terrible, it was far from living up to T2. At least it was better than all the other entries, but that is setting the bar incredibly low. That’s why the latest reports of Cameron penning a new script are so tantalizing. Once the famed writer/director stepped away from The Terminator, the franchise lost its soul. Having him return could signal Skynet’s resurgence in the mainstream, which would impact those Terminator key issues.

RUST #12

In the 1980s, upstart comic book publishers were quick to grab the rights to classic sci-fi series and adapt them into various titles. Dark Horse Comics had Aliens and Predator, but NOW snatched up The Terminator. While the publisher didn’t hang around for very long, it cemented its legacy beginning here. Included in Rust #12 is a five-page sneak preview of The Terminator #1.

If Spider-Man 2099’s preview in ASM #365 is any indication, Rust #12 could become a hot property for Terminator fans. 


Following the excerpt included in Rust #12, Skynet would send its machines back in time once again for the full issue. While many collectors will aim for Rust, the bonus of owning Terminator #1 is the cover art, which is the first time comic fans saw the iconic T-800 on the front of an issue.

That, in itself, is worthy of collecting, but the fact that it’s the first self-titled comic for the franchise makes it all the more tempting. 


Besides Arnold, the one constant in every Terminator entry has been John Connor. The savior of humanity in the post-apocalyptic war against the machines, he has been connected to the plots of every Terminator film. Odds are, Cameron will put more emphasis on him once again.

Who knows? We could even see Edward Furlong return to the franchise in some capacity. That could make this a valuable key to own given that it marks John’s first comic book appearance. 


Whether it’s cartoons or live-action, those movie and television adaptations can make for serious profits. For many years, they were the afterthoughts of the collecting world, but then buyers began to pay them much closer attention.

At the moment, most of the Terminator keys are still largely overlooked, but a solid movie from Cameron (although it is very, very unlikely that he will direct, which is a real shame for fans) and it could ignite a fire under the aforementioned issues. 

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.