April 10th, 2008 (Los Angeles, CA) -- Entertainment Weekly, the nation's leading entertainment magazine, hailed BOOM! Studios GIANT MONSTER graphic novel as having "...enough sly humor to elevate the result above the level of mere destructo-porn."

EW went on to compare GIANT MONSTER to "Cloverfield, Godzilla, King Kong - anything, really, where there's a strong possibility of people ending up as human bubblegum on the sole of a monster's foot."

Written by Steve (30 DAYS OF NIGHT) Niles and Nat (FRANK FRAZETTA'S DEATH DEALER) Jones, GIANT MONSTER follows space-shuttle pilot Don Maggert. As EW so succinctly put it, as he is "...overtaken by an alien parasite just before re-entering Earth's atmosphere, he transforms into an extremely hungry and extremely big beastie. Mankind's only hope is a similarly outsized 'Super Attack Bot' designed by Nazi scientist Dr. Fenstermach."

As part of the promotion for the release, GIANT MONSTER is currently available to read for free at ComicBookResources.com until May 9th. The link is: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=12358

Soon after its release, GIANT MONSTER was serialized daily on ComicBookResources.com, following up on BOOM! Studios' success with the online serialization of NORTH WIND at MySpace Comic Books.

GIANT MONSTER can be purchased at your local comic book store or directly from BOOM! Studios here: http://www.boom-studios.com/node/1347

Giant Monster TPB