Spider-Woman has risen to main event status, but just how many Spider-Women have there been?

Between Sony’s upcoming Spider-Woman movie and the Spider-Verse trilogy, it’s the dawn of the age of Spider-Woman. While Jessica Drew remains the fan-favorite incarnation, she’s one of six women to use the name. After so many characters have taken on the moniker, you practically need a road map to keep track of the web of plotlines and origin stories. To make things easier, here’s your guide to collecting all the Spider-Woman firsts.


First appearance: Marvel Spotlight #32

Any Spider-Woman collection worth its weight in bags and boards begins with Marvel Spotlight #32. First introduced as a villain, Jessica Drew donned the yellow and red costume for the first time in this 1977 issue. Stan Lee would later reveal that Spider-Woman was rushed to the presses in order to keep DC Comics from grabbing the copyright on the name.

Jessica remains the most popular of all the Spider-Women, which is another reason this comic remains so collectible.


First appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #7

Seven years after Jessica’s debut, Marvel switched gears. In 1984, the publisher introduced the world to its second Spider-Woman, Julia Carpenter. This version sported a black-and-white suit similar to Spider-Man’s symbiote outfit.

You can spot Julia in her black costume in Across the Spider-Verse, which makes it likely that we’ll see her in the Spider-Woman movie in some capacity.


First appearance: Spectacular Spider-Man #262

The third character to call herself Spider-Woman, Mattie Franklin is J. Jonah Jameson’s niece. She gained her abilities when she absorbed powers that were meant for Norman Osborn. Never a famous version of Spider-Woman, Mattie would die at the hands of the Kraven family in 2010.


First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 2, #5

This 1999 issue could be a great pickup for low-risk. After Mattie debuted in Spectacular Spider-Man #262, she would officially become the third Spider-Woman in ASM #5.

It just so happens that Madame Web’s granddaughter, Charlotte Witter, first appeared in the same comic. She would eventually become a villainous Spider-Woman who was defeated by Mattie and Spider-Man.


First appearance: Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #3

Miguel O’Hara may not have been the star of Across the Spider-Verse, but he certainly was the breakout character. Now that Spider-Man 2099 has gained a massive following, that could open the door for more futuristic superheroes, like Sivern Dru, the Spider-Woman of 2099.

In a spin on the classic story, she is actually an alien and would join the Avengers 2099. 


First appearance (as Spider-Gwen): Edge of Spider-Verse #2

Marvel renamed her Ghost-Spider a few years ago, but she’s still our Spider-Gwen. During the course of Across the Spider-Verse, she referred to herself as Spider-Woman. With the new movie reportedly being an animated Spider-Verse spinoff, it’s unclear if the film will star Jessica Drew or Gwen Stacy. Chances are, it will feature both characters and a few others in prominent roles. 


Thanks to the Spider-Verse, Spider-Woman has become a movie star. Having her star in her own feature film will only elevate her standing, which will make those key issues even more popular. The next logical step will be seeing her in live-action, something that’s rumored for Madame Web. Could that spin into a live-action Spider-Woman movie? That just might be the direction things are headed. 

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.