Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Highlander: Way of the Sword #4 of 4
Dynamite Comics
Krul, Rafael, Lopez & Bowland

This issue ends the arc with a huge bang. I’m very pleased, as a Highlander fan, with how this entire arc was handled, but this issue really takes the cake. We have fighting, flashbacks, Ramirez and some mortals dying. This issue puts a cap on a strong story. I hope future Highlander stories pick up where this one left off.

The issue begins with the origin of the man with Ramirez’s sword. The knot gets tied nice and neat. Basically, Ramirez’s father-in-law, the man who made the sword, gives the sword to Ramirez instead of his own son, who he deems as a freak. The kid-freak is also an immortal and he grows up to snag back the sword. This origin is about as well-defined as we’ve seen in this series. It’s great.

The remainder of the issue is the battle for the sword. You may recall MacLeod taking the arm of his enemy, Ren – Ramirez’s father-in-law’s son. He comes back, with a sword and a blade to replace his arm. It’s pretty cool. Freaks with knives are usually a hit with me.

The battle involves a mortal, who doesn’t make it out of the battle and it eventually ends with a quickening in an unusual manner.

That’s the whole issue. It sounds so simple and it is. However, we get some excellent insight into Connor and Ramirez and the enemy, Ren and the father-in-law. This is more character development than in any other Highlander comic to date. This makes the issue so much more interesting and meaningful.

The artwork has its high points. For one thing, the battle is really well done. There is a lot of blood and yet it doesn’t come across as gory, but as realistic. The only odd point with the art was that Ramirez on the first page doesn’t quite look like himself as he does on the subsequent pages.

The only odd point with the story was the tearing off of the arm-knife near the end of the issue. It’s sort of unrealistic, but it makes for an excellent ending so I kind of don’t care. However, it was a head-scratcher when I first saw it.

Overall, this issue is a fast read and isn’t too deep or extensive on dialogue. If you are a casual fan you probably wont be totally fulfilled unless you have an appreciation of the Highlander lore. On the other hand, if you have been interested in Highlander and are curious about the comic then this issue is the best one.

I’m not sure where or when this series picks back up, but as a fan of the genre I would want the stories to follow this direction. There is an extensive history that can be delved into with regard to Ramirez and his origin, Duncan’s past or Connor’s interactions with them. There is so much more to explore and this arc shows how great it could be.

5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Highlander Way of the Sword #4