Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Project Superpowers #1
Dynamite Comics
Ross, Krueger, Klauba & Sadowski

Two issues into this mini series and I don’t know what to make of this thing. I loved the zero issue and this issue started out interesting, but got a little strange. Essentially, The Fighting Yank causes a whole new set of problems by unleashing his “friends” from the urn, both with those imprisoned and those left behind all those decades ago.

Yank, haunted by two ghosts, is primarily haunted by the American Spirit ghost in this issue, but his ancestor ghost does make an appearance in the beginning of the issue. Yank is hiking through the snow, alone (except for the ghosts) trying to find the Green Llama. He passes out because, you know, old men shouldn’t be hiking all alone in the deep snow when they haven’t left their mansion in years. While passed out the two ghosts trade words and it gets Yank off the canvas. He finds the Green Llama in his own city of Xanadu.

Yank is amazed that the Llama hasn’t aged and that he isn’t angry that Yank trapped their friends in the Urn. The American Spirit ghost helps to convince Llama that ghosts exist. They all decide to take a road trip to find the Urn.

They visit the Dynamic Family, who are allies left over from the 40s that weren’t banished to the Urn. Amazingly, they haven’t age either! They also all dress alike to make it easier to identify them when you fight them. This comes in handy when Yank takes the Urn they are safeguarding and smashes it. Nothing happens. Except that the Dynamic Family attacks Llama and the Yank.

The issue ends with the Black Terror emerging from the ground looking to kill the Yank. Color me shocked, but someone named “Terror”, dressed in black, with a skull and crossbones on his chest probably couldn’t have stayed a good guy forever.

Oh, and we find out that the Dynamic Family are really robots.

Okay, the things that stick out from this issue are pretty simple. First off, Yank whines the entire issue about dying and how everyone else stayed young. Is this supposed to be funny? Because it sure seemed annoying to me. Secondly, is everyone in on a gag of the Yank? It felt like watching the Shining where Jack was in his own world all the time seeing and talking to people while the other “real” people just thought he was nuts (well I guess he was). Lastly, the artwork is fantastic and really makes things jump off the pages. The battles, the coloring, the details in the costumes all made this issue a visual display not to be missed.

This series will get more interesting as more characters begin popping up all over the place. However, it looks like all of them will have not aged. This makes the Fighting Yank old man character all the more out of place. I’m still not sure if this is all supposed to be tongue in cheek or a mystery wrapped in a Sixth Sense type riddle.

I liked the issue, but this story has me confused.

3 out of 5 geek goggles.

Project Superpowers #1