Author: John Gerlach

by John Gerlach | November 25, 2020

Star Wars Tales--a recent Star Wars series that is worth your spec consideration and your bin digging.  These recent Star Wars series are monsters right now.  Why?  Say it with me: The Mandalorian Season 2, and the possibility of new Star Wars series...

by John Gerlach | November 16, 2020

Welcome to Part Two of a deep dive into some emerging Star Wars series and characters that are all benefitting from the Disney+ Mandalorian Effect.  There is some definite heat with several recent Star Wars series and characters, so let's take a look at the breakout character...

by John Gerlach | November 11, 2020

For your spec consideration, a potential sleeper is the 2006 Star Wars Dark Horse series which has experienced huge rises in value in the last 3 years.  The Knights of the Old Republic keys might deserve to be on your speculation radar.  What is going on...

by John Gerlach | October 31, 2020

Frank Herbert's Dune is one of the greatest science-fiction books ever written, and the winner of the science fiction Hugo and Nebula awards.  Over 12 million copies of Dune have sold.  Chilton, a publisher of mainly automobile repair manuals, finally chose to publish Dune, after 20...

by John Gerlach | October 30, 2020

  [caption id="attachment_87778" align="alignleft" width="196"] Doctor Fate #1 (2015)[/caption] Rumors of a potential Doctor Fate film have existed for a few years now.   Is there a solo movie on the horizon?  Will DC back the helmet of Fate?  Those rumors lead to questions about which Doctor Fate...

by John Gerlach | October 25, 2020

In July 2020, the CW renewed the show for a second season which will air in 2021 on the network as an original series.  The TV show has received positive approval ratings in its first season on the air.  Stargirl will have a featured appearance in...

by John Gerlach | October 1, 2020

This is the final installment of a 3-part series which chases the question: Does the introduction of a new Spider-Man suit make an issue more collectible? In Part 1, we looked at the ROI and trends when it came to the Black Suit Symbiote introduced in

by John Gerlach | August 30, 2020

This is the second installment of a deep dive into investment possibilities related to the introduction of a new Spidey suit and the 25 variations that are options.  In Part 1,  we took a look at trends and ROI when it came to the Black Suit Symbiote introduced in Amazing Spider-Man #252 and Marvel...

by John Gerlach | August 23, 2020

Does the introduction of a new Spider-Man suit make an issue more collectible? And if so, which ones out the 25 variations would be the best...