Author: Lauren Sisselman

by Lauren Sisselman | September 21, 2022

Heritage's Art of Anime auction is a terrific source for animation collectors. The auctions feature cells from both Japanese and American animated shows, but they also sometimes feature unique collectibles that aren't animation cells. Much like Heritage's weekly comic auctions, this auction also features memorabilia that no...

by Lauren Sisselman | September 14, 2022

I grew up in a technology-forward household. My dad started building computers in the 1980s, and my mom loved going to the arcade. I was lucky to have pinball machines and home consoles at my disposal growing up, but for long car rides to the beach or...

by Lauren Sisselman | September 12, 2022

The VHS collecting bug has hit me big time. From digging through piles at flea markets and thrift stores to spending $100 for a rare Killer Klowns from Outer Space VHS at a comic book store, this is one market I'm excitedly sinking my teeth into. I...

by Lauren Sisselman | September 9, 2022

Welcome back to this week's Oddball Heritage Items! Each week we look at the unique items in Heritage's weekly comic event auctions -- after all, there is a treasure or two to be found in these auctions! In weeks past, we've looked at pins, merchandise lots, napkins,...

by Lauren Sisselman | September 5, 2022

Welcome back to another look at oddball items at Heritage's weekly comic auctions! If you're new, welcome! Each week, we look at the Memorabilia tab under the weekly comic auctions to see what overlooked treasures we may find. In the past we've looked at napkins, figures, and...

by Lauren Sisselman | September 2, 2022

ComicConnect is a name everyone who collects comics knows. They get in heavy hitter books and have made impressive, record-breaking sales. Their event auctions are a thrill for sellers, collectors, and investors alike. Right now we are in the very beginning of Event Auction #51, which is...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 29, 2022

I got a chance to look through items Steve Geppi donated to the Library of Congress after his entertainment museum closed. Get comfy - I've got some history, some cool pics, and some great stories about what I saw there.

by Lauren Sisselman | August 27, 2022

Welcome back to this week's Oddball Auction Items! Each week I find some unique and possibly overlooked items in Heritage's weekly Sunday and Monday comic auction. In the past, we've highlighted napkins, sleepover supplies, and even fan club mailers! This week I've picked out some fun and...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 25, 2022

Each week during Heritage's weekly Sunday and Monday comic auctions, there are always a few books thrown in. In the past Heritage has offered fans horror icons, science fiction masterpieces, and everything else. These weekly auctions are full of unique, fun, and sometimes rare finds. Don't overlook...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 21, 2022

Heritage's upcoming Entertainment Auction on August 21st is giving collectors the chance to win some unique items from The Beatles to costume pieces from Dune. This auction is a wonderful mix of items with a strong music theme. I've picked some of the most unique pieces from...