Category: Investment Speculation

by Matt Tuck | July 23, 2018

Marvel recently announced plans to give X-Men back the Uncanny in their title. For hardcore X-fans, this is much more than a single word; it's a legacy.  The X-Men have undergone many changes over the years, but it's the Uncanny X-Men that holds the dearest place...

by Matt Tuck | July 22, 2018

Remember when collectors went crazy for Iron Fist? That seems like a distant memory after season one of the Netflix show pretty well killed the market. With season two on the horizon, will the pendulum swing in the right direction? Poor Iron Fist. It wasn't long...

by Matt Tuck | July 21, 2018

I'm making my prediction: Power Pack and Shang-Chi will get their own movies or television shows. Why them? I consulted your friendly neighborhood Securities and Exchange Commission, and that's where I found something quite interesting. Out of all the characters in the Marvel Universe, why would...

by Matt Tuck | July 14, 2018

Angela: the character who has crossed not only the cosmos but also between publishing houses. How did she go from being an Image mainstay to Marvel Comics 20 years later and what could the future hold for her?  Angela received the royal treatment when she emerged...

by Matt Tuck | July 12, 2018

Remember last summer when the market lost its collective mind over Carnage? Of course you do. Guess what? They've actually gone up. (Thanks for that, Red Goblin.) But we haven't seen the real Carnage boom just yet.  This time last year, Sony had Venom fans completely...

by Matt Tuck | July 10, 2018

Spawn is back in the news as Jeremy Renner was recently added to the cast of the upcoming movie. With the excitement surrounding the reboot (lets not talk about the first incarnation; I still haven't gotten over it), comic collectors are left to wonder how this will...

by Matt Tuck | July 9, 2018

I can count the number of hardcore Hercules fans on one hand. Actually, I only know one. While he set the standard for superpowered heroes for thousands of years, in the Marvel Universe, he'll always be second-rate to his Norse predecessor. But today, he'll be number one....

by Matt Tuck | July 8, 2018

Investing in comics has a stigma attached to it. The critics say that viewing comics as investments is destroying the comic industry, and investors are often demonized in comic circles. It's time for that perception to change. The first comic I recall saving up to buy...

by Matt Tuck | July 3, 2018

If you're at a comic convention and you feel like stirring up trouble, here's what you do: find a booth with a vastly overpriced Hulk #181 (that shouldn't be hard to find), and say, "That's NOT the first appearance of Wolverine." Step back and watch the fireworks....

by ChargingGoat | July 2, 2018

Marvel has been hinting around the character of Adam Warlock since we got a glance of a cocoon sitting in the gallery of The Collector in Guardians of the Galaxy.  They took it up another notch during the end credits of Guardians II, when Ayesha gave...