Category: Investment Speculation

by Matt Tuck | August 12, 2018

All things Wolverine are simply exploding, and Hulk 181 has officially entered the ridiculous stage.  This past March, I finally joined The Incredible Hulk #181 club (seriously, there is an actual club). After years of hoping and waiting and negotiations that went nowhere,...

by Matt Tuck | August 11, 2018

The latest trailer for Venom gave us a new look at the upcoming film's villain, Riot. This movie is shaping up to be a hit, and you'll want to climb on the bandwagon now if you want to turn a profit in October.  Sony did a...

by ChargingGoat | August 8, 2018

There seem to be two types of people in the world nowadays...people who love Rick and Morty and people who I don't want to associate with anymore.  Rick and Morty is amazing!  It is a funny, clever, spastic, and intelligent show with an infinite universe of...

by Matt Tuck | August 5, 2018

Love them or hate them, variants have taken over the comic industry. While today nearly very comic has a hundred variant covers, the most remarkable and collectible variants are those you hardly even notice. Case in point: the Mark Jewelers editions from the 1970s. There's not...

by Matt Tuck | August 3, 2018

Are you surprised that DC Comics kept the Batman Who Laughs after Dark Nights: Metal? Neither is anyone else, and he's returning in November, and if it's done well, it will only add to the legend and make his keys more valuable. I have to be honest;...

by ChargingGoat | August 2, 2018

The Deadpool movies are fantastic.  Deadpool 2 was a thrilling, silly, entertaining film that helped to push the character and his brand while leaving audiences satisfied.  Typically, a successful movie means an uptick in prices, especially for a first appearance of the uber-popular main character...however, after...

by Matt Tuck | July 30, 2018

You may be glad you bought all those Image Comics in the early 1990s. Thanks in part to the upcoming Spawn movie, the original Image titles are experiencing a resurgence.  Image Comics has undergone major changes in its titles over the 26 years since the company...

by Matt Tuck | July 29, 2018

Remember Darkhawk? The most 1990s of 1990's characters, his early appearances are seeing a resurgence as of late, and he's not alone, either. The '90s are coming back, and I'm not just talking about the explosion of variants. It's hard to mistake a '90s comic. Every guy...

by Matt Tuck | July 29, 2018

Did you hear the latest rumors about X-Force? Rob Liefeld dropped a sizable hint that Stryfe could be coming to the silver screen, so you'll want to keep an eye on some key issues. San Diego Comic Con never fails to keep the comic world's ears twitching....

by ChargingGoat | July 26, 2018

I want to make a confession.   I had to buy this book.  I knew it the minute I saw it.  But why? Well, that is the type of insight I hope to provide in this article.  Whether you are new to comic collecting and speculating or...