Category: Key Issues

by Doug Ohlandt | September 13, 2024

Welcome to the first blog about the Fantastic Four CPI! We here at GoCollect are thrilled to introduce this brand-new feature in our Collectible Price Indexes. And this is just the start! 

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by Matt Tuck | November 30, 2019

Movie and series announcements can spur the market, and that inevitably means inflated prices. While an issue can become the flavor of the month overnight, those higher prices can tip the scales against a key's popularity in quick succession. Listed below are five issues that have taken a significant drop in overall...

by Matt Tuck | November 30, 2019

Finishing out 2019's best-sellers, the top-five Modern Age comics have two common themes: Spider-Man and Todd McFarlane. The data for today's list comes from the top-selling CGC comics that sold online over the past year. The sales figures include the total for all grades that have sold, ranging from the universal down to...

by James Jou | November 29, 2019

With Loki set to go on his own solo adventures in a Disney+ series, perhaps a romantic subplot to add depth to the character might be in the works. Or at least to increase the dwindling Asgardian population. Here we look at a couple of Loki’s romantic...

by Matt Tuck | November 29, 2019

With the roaring 2020s on the horizon, it’s time to check the scoreboard for the top-selling Bronze Age comics thus far in 2019. How many are in your collection? The data compiled is based on total CGC-graded comics sold as of November 22. Beside each issue title and number is the...

by ARIELLAZO | November 28, 2019

Welcome back to another edition of Sleeper Slabs! Since this is only the second one, I will explain the purpose of this post. With all of the new shows and movies being announced, many collectors are focusing their sights on trending key books. With people mostly looking...

by ChargingGoat | November 27, 2019

One of the most beloved and cult-like followed villains in the DC universe is Black Adam, the counter to Shazam!  Recently, news broke that a Black Adam film starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is due out in 2021.  This is very exciting for fans.  But in...

by Blaise Tassone | November 26, 2019

The Silver Age of comics was a strange time. On the one hand, you had a revival of the superhero and a rise in the popularity of science fiction; along with straightforward narratives aimed mainly at kids. While this was going on, there were also some...

by James Jou | November 26, 2019

From comics to film to TV, the God of Mischief is everywhere. Everywhere and on all sides. He is just as quick with a dagger in the back as he is with an honest moment. Protagonist or antagonist, Loki has forever entered into the pantheon of fiction’s...

by Norman Robinson | November 25, 2019

Pablo Picasso once said, "good artists copy, but great artists steal." This was never more true than in the early 80s with the dreaded Brood species created in the pages of X-Men. The creators appeared to use one of the best space horrors ever to grace the...

by Norman Robinson | November 25, 2019

The Bronze Age started with the catalyst of Green Lantern #76 (1970) and Amazing Spider-Man #121 (1973) from Marvel. Everyone in the collector/speculator community pretty much chalks up the 70s and the first few years of the 80s as Bronze. The top three comics of the Bronze...