Category: Comics

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by Jeff Meyer | January 4, 2009

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Weekly Rankings For 1/02/09 Here are this week’s comics ranked prior to reading them: 9. Batman #684 8. Wolverine Manifest Destiny #3 of 4 7. Green Lantern #36 6.

by Jeff Meyer | January 3, 2009

ComicList Week In Review Volume 15, Issue 1 A new year starts with a new, easier to use ComicList web site. What do you think about it? Let us know! Subscribe to ComicList Week In Review by Email. Join us on FriendFeed and the ComicList Community Page to discuss this week's...

by Jeff Meyer | January 3, 2009

Updated shipping information for comics and products being released beyond the week of 01/07/2009, provided by Diamond Distribution and our friends at Things From Another World. Remember, when you order any of these titles, whether here or at your local comic book shop, NOW...

by Jeff Meyer | January 3, 2009

The kind folks at Dynamite Entertainment have supplied ComicList with their solicitations for comics and other products featured in the January 2009 Previews, scheduled to ship March 2009. SUPER ZOMBIES #1 Price: $3.50 Rating: TEEN+ Covers: Fabiano (Marvel Zombies VS. AOD) Neves (50%), Mel...

by Jeff Meyer | January 3, 2009

Suspended Animation Review Comics Legend John Broome [1913-99] was a prolific comics writer, and the co-creator of the Green Lantern, The Guardians of the Universe, and Captain Cold and Mr. Element for Flash comics. His science-fiction stories were first published in pulp magazines, but agent and DC...

by Jeff Meyer | January 3, 2009

The holidays are past–whew!–and it’s time to take stock: did you get what you really wanted this year? Chances are, there were a few duds from well-meaning givers. I mean, a Chia head is nice, but unless you can make it look like Mr. T (note, from personal experience: you can’t), it hardly qualifies as...

by Jeff Meyer | January 2, 2009

01.02.09 – It’s been a long time coming, but as the sale of ASP is finalized, we are pleased to announce some long-awaited titles are hitting stores Jan 7. If you didn’t order them (or gave up), please ask your friendly retailer to get these in, or you may order all three through Amazon, or...

by Jeff Meyer | January 2, 2009

January 1st, 2009 - A new year will bring a new logo for Alterna Comics. Dropping the word "comics" from their public logo, Alterna has gone the way of many other comics publishers. Publisher and logo designer, Peter Simeti, had this to say, "The new logo reflects a more professional and bold look for...

by Jeff Meyer | January 2, 2009

ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, January 7, 2009, by Charles LePage. This is the *preliminary* list and is not complete. The complete, and much more accurate, list will be published next week. This information is compiled from a variety of sources including...