Category: Comics

by Matt Tuck | January 5, 2023

Superman has done practically everything in his nearly 85 years in publication. Now, we can add one more thing to that list—being part of Congress. If Superman were to run for public office, who wouldn’t vote for him? Besides being the beacon of...

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by Matt Tuck | January 5, 2023

A new year has dawned, and collectors were apparently making good on their New Year’s resolutions to buy fewer X-Men comics. The past 10 days have been truly terrible for several X-Men keys. Four out of five comics on today’s list are all...

by jkornblatt | January 4, 2023

One of the single biggest drivers of comic book speculation nowadays is the MCU.  From major characters like Spider-Man all the way down to D-listers like Frog Man, the MCU has fundamentally changed the way people look at comic books.  The goal of this...

by Doug Ohlandt | January 4, 2023

It’s time for more Undervalued and Overlooked Comics, where we identify a few issues each week that could be overlooked, undervalued, or both and may be worth considering for your collection. This week, we’re looking at comics from the Copper Age.  Let’s get started. The...

by Luke Smith | January 4, 2023

Like many of you, I had high expectations for the new Spider-verse trailer from Sony - And boy, did it live up to all I had hoped for... More so, in fact! Within the trailer, we see the SPIDER-VERSE in all its web-bound glory, with multiple...

by Matt Tuck | January 3, 2023

James Gunn continues to use social media as his personal PR machine, and it is working. One week after another, he is keeping the comic community on its toes. This time around, he’s got the world thinking Deathstroke. Fans have been waiting...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 3, 2023

It is that time of year for new beginnings. The new year is when people make resolutions to improve their lives.  Comic book collectors and investors should do the same.  No matter how successful you are, there is always room for improvement.  Here are a few resolutions...

by ComicArtTrends | January 3, 2023

When cowboy actors are immortalized in comics, does the sun never set on their fame?  After they pass, do the fictional heroes based on their likenesses continue to thrive like our imaginations of the Old West?  Or, are those pardners...

by Matt Tuck | January 2, 2023

Collectors were diving deeper into their searches this week with a couple of surprising issues piquing their curiosities. It’s time again to delve into the Hottest Searches on the GoCollect database. Based on the search terms, this blog gives you a look at...

by Chris Severs | January 2, 2023

As a comic book collector having held assets for roughly 35 years, the pace of technology adoption continues to astound and impress me.  While many of us LOVE our physical comic books and would never think of replacing them, the fact is technology has hit the comic...