May's Madman Atomic Comics #8 invites you to hop on board the ginchiest superhero comic book around!

20 March, 2008 (Berkeley, CA) - Fresh off his adventure in space, Madman returns to Earth in MADMAN ATOMICS COMICS #8, the perfect jumping on point for any reader new to Snap City!

"MADMAN ATOMICS COMICS' first arc wrapped up an awful lot of threads I've had going since Frank first hit the scene," Allred said. "In a way, issue #8 is an all-new beginning, completely accessible to brand new readers, yet continues a lot for the veteran fans."

MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS' debut arc featured the long-awaited 'Madman in Space' storyline, finally revealing the truth of Frank's destiny with The Four, all through a soul searching jaunt in the farthest reaches of our galaxy. Allred's return to MADMAN came widely praised right out of the gate, featuring acclaimed issues such as issue three, "Swiped from Dimension X".

Allred explained, "The first arc got an awful lot of ideas finally out of my system, like issue three, basically cleaning the palette for what's to come. I'm very excited to offer readers the opportunity to jump on board."

MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS #8 (NOV072047), a 32-page comic for $2.99, will be in stores May 2008. Fans attending Washington's Emerald City Comic Con May 10th and 11th can purchase a limited edition convention exclusive, featuring an homage to Frank Einstein's first appearance in the pages of CREATURES OF THE ID.

Madman Atomic Comics #8