Suspended Animation Review

Graphic Classics: Mark Twain/139 pgs. and $11.95, Eureka Publications/various artists and writers /sold at book and comics shops, and at

This collection adapts several of the lesser works of American novelist, Mark Twain, and lesser is meant as a pejorative.

“Tom Sawyer Abroad” was written when Twain was in financial straits, and decided to cash in on the fame of one of his best known character. It is the longest piece offered, features the best art, and reads almost like an Indiana Jones adventure as Sawyer sails to exotic locals in a hybrid boat/balloon. But Abroad lacks the deep characterization that made Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn artistically and commercially successful, and is only mildly entertaining.

“The Mysterious Stranger” was a barely disguised, controversial discussion of religion, and Twain wasn’t much of a philosopher. The art is exceptional, but the theology is silly.

This collection is recommended only for hardcore Mark Twain fans.

Michael Vance

Graphic Classics Vol. 8 Mark Twain New Printing

Graphic Classics: Special Edition/61 pgs. and $6.95 from Eureka Publications/various artists and writers/sold at book and comics shops, and at

If you’re fast, you can get this collection of adaptations of short works by Poe, Bierce, Lord Dunsany, Conan Doyle, and Mary Shelley for free! If your local comic book shop participates in Free Comic Book Day in May, this jewel is yours!

If you don’t have a local comics shop, or one that participates, Special Edition will be available at a later date from the publisher and selected outlets.

Free or not, it is worth your effort to find a copy of this “sampler” of other Graphic Classics collections. Most of the adaptations are of horror short stories, and even Mary Shelley’s gothic romance is at least historically interesting. Most of the art is reality-based and better than interesting.

This collection is recommended.

Michael Vance

Check out Dark Corridor #1 for two Michael Vance short stories at www.

Interested in the exciting Oklahoma Cartoonists Collection & Toy and Action Figure Museum? Try fourcolorcommentary. and ?v=eCARtM5BvvU.