Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Star Wars Legacy #21
Dark Horse Comics
Ostrander, Francia & Anderson

The space battle finds a conclusion. The issue has some strategy, lots of dog fighting, sacrifice and a getaway. This issue has many, many scenes that remind me a lot of the original trilogy. While, that’s a good thing, it also comes at a cost. This issue contains a group of characters that I have no vested interest in and that detracts from the potential impact the issue could have had.

This issue begins with the Battle of Caamas and the escape that the Galactic Alliance pulled off years ago. This battle was explored in the previous issue and this issue shows how they duped the Empire. It’s a good space battle with a unique escape plan. It helps build up some of the tension between the two main characters of the story.

One of the elements that wasn’t clear from the previous issue was whether or not the present day battle had actually begun or if the Empire commander was just pontificating about how the battle would play out. It turns out the battle had begun. The rebels aka the Galactic Alliance had already set in motion their plan to steal the pride of the Empire’s fleet, the Imperious. The Empire had sprung their counter trap. Things were going badly.

The Empire’s chief commander, Admiral Valan, is pleased with his plan. Meanwhile, his adversary, Admiral Stazi has started his counter-counter without Valan being able to react fast enough. I know, it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback.

The space battle explodes first with Star Destroyer and space station weaponry and then escalated with fighters. The space battle is excellent. The artwork really takes me back to the original trilogy. Even the reds and greens used to depict the laser fire really screams out “original Star Wars”. All along we get strategy and reactions from Valan and Stazi. It reminded me of the second Death Star battle and it was excellent.

The issue turns when Valan allows his goal to focus soley on getting Stazi as he lets much of the Galactic Alliance to flee. With the help of some Galactic Alliance pilots, Stazi succeeds in stealing the Imperious, crippling the space station and getting himself out. Basically, Valan failed, but not everything is as smooth as you might think. More on this in upcoming issues, but the Sith will not sit still on this one. Remind you of the end of Star Wars a little bit? Just need to hand out some shiny metals.

A solid issue. The only gripe I have is that I didn’t really have a connection to the characters, beyond the two commanders. Even those two only provided a little emotional attachment in this issue. This left the overall sacrifices not so significant.

On the other hand, the artwork was a highlight and helped show the space chess match beautifully. I can’t remember the last time a Star Wars title went back to its bread and butter of a good, old fashioned space battle. You know, “Star” “Wars”.

Generally, a really good issue. For this series, though, it is a mediocre installment. If you liked the two Death Star battles from thirty years ago then this issue will take you back. Only, don’t expect Han Solo to come roaring through like a cowboy.

4 out of 5 geek goggles.

Star Wars: Legacy #21