(PRESS RELEASE 05/21/08) It’s been a busy couple of years here at Archaia Studios Press as the company has produced a growing catalog of award-winning and critically acclaimed comic books and graphic novels. But ASP has also run into a few growing pains along the way---as does any new publishing company---and today must announce that it must take a moment to restructure following the decision of Aki Liao, ASP’s co-publisher, to step back from an ongoing role at the company for personal reasons.

“Mark and I started ASP Comics as a hobby business in classic ‘two-guys-in-a-garage’ fashion, and that hobby business has grown well beyond its initial size and scope. In fact, well beyond my expectations,” said Aki Liao. “Along the way, we’ve built up a line of comic books and graphic novels of the highest quality. It’s been an amazing ride, and I enjoyed meeting a lot of wonderful people along the way, especially the talented group of creators that I’ve had the good fortune to work with. It is with a sad heart that I depart as I’m no longer able to give the company the kind of commitment it requires and wish everyone at ASP the best for the future.”

Ken Light, an investment banker at the DAK Group specializing in small to mid-size company divestitures, sales, and acquisitions, will be assisting ASP in the search for an outside investor or strategic partner to acquire Aki’s stake in the company.

As part of the reorganization, the company will also take the opportunity to address internally the publishing delays that have plagued it of late to ensure a smooth schedule that satisfies not only its own standards but also that of its creators and the expectations of fans and retailers.

“Our growth in the last year has clearly strained our workflow capacity,” said ASP co-publisher Mark Smylie. “Lateness has historically been a problem with many creator-driven and creator-owned titles, but our own workflow issues have exacerbated the situation. We are as frustrated with our struggle to get books out on time as, I’m sure, are our readers, and we want to make sure we come out of the reorganization with a better workflow and solicitation process model. So while there will be some further delays in the release of recently solicited titles as we restructure, we also want to make sure we emerge in the next few months from our reorganization with a release schedule that we can hit on a regular basis, as guaranteed as possible. We can only ask that our many supporters, retailers and fans alike, be patient with us during this time.”

All ASP titles are available worldwide at finer comic book shops, bookstores, amazon.com, the ASP Store at Indie Press Revolution (www.indiepressrevolution.com) and electronically at DriveThruComics.com. ARTESIA is now available at WOWIO.com, with other ASP titles to follow.

(PRESS RELEASE 05/21/08) - Boston, MA. In response to Mark Smylie’s announcement of a temporary company restructuring, the comic creators who have titles with his Archaia Studios Press are speaking out to express their confidence in the business and support of this move. The creators were alerted in advance by Smylie both of co-publisher Aki Liao’s personal decision to depart and of the planned effects that potentially would have on their books.

Several ASP creators are optimistic and unphased by the announced course correction including mpMann (Innana’s Tears), Josh Hechinger (Grave Doug Freshley), Dave Moran (Robotika), A. David Lewis (Some New Kind of Slaughter), and Tom Pinchuk & Kate Glasheen (Hybrid Bastards),. In fact, even as Smylie offered to renegotiate any contracts should creators feel disgruntled and wish to take titles elsewhere, mpMann, for instance, is keeping all three of his current properties at ASP. He posted as much online, saying, “In February of last year I completed work on Inanna’s Tears, in June, it was Some New Kind of Slaughter, and this past February I finished The Grave Doug Freshley. That’s approximately 400pp of comics I had hoped to see out this year. They may be delayed, but I expect them to show up proudly emblazoned with the ASP logo.”

Mouse Guard creator David Petersen echoed these sentiments on his blog. “I have no plans to move Mouse Guard to another publisher.” There has been no change in plans concerning ASP’s attendance at the San Diego Comic-Con International nor, more immediately, at either Book Expo America and the American Library Association conference.

“This announcement could easily get blown out of proportions,” said Lewis. “But Mark and Aki are being totally responsible and cautious in every capacity here. They’ve been transparent about what’s going on, realistic about its effects, and dedicated to moving forward with all standing commitments – and ASP’s growth! Aki’s departing from a very successful company that he’s helped to build, and I’m more inclined to thank him for his hard efforts than panic over what’s simply a changing of the guard.”

Lewis also noted the addition of skilled individuals such as Pauline Benney, Joe Illidge, and Thor Olavsrud to ASP’s administration over the last year as a sign of the company’s general health.