Author: ComicArtTrends

by ComicArtTrends | December 8, 2021

Is this the end of the Dynamic Duo?  Will the Caped Crusaders make their great escape?  Find out...same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!  Cliffhangers and escapes highlighted episodes of Batman '66, but the comics also featured covers worthy of Houdini.  Let's peruse these portraits of perplexing predicaments while exclaiming,...

by ComicArtTrends | November 22, 2021

Is it a compliment or an insult to refer to Adam Hughes as a 'Good Girl' artist?  Not to say Wikipedia is the Encyclopedia Britannica, but Wikipedia describes Hughes as best known for "his renderings of pinup-style female characters".  And further, Hughes is "one of...

by ComicArtTrends | November 10, 2021

The Q Score for Dr. Stephen Strange has grown by mystic proportions since the release of Disney's 2016 Doctor Strange film.   Is it just possible all this attention will boost the prices of Doctor Strange art?...  INDEED! Popping in from portals everywhere, the character has contributed major...

by ComicArtTrends | November 4, 2021

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration."  So spoke Frank Herbert through the Reverend Mother in his novel, Dune.  *Portions of this blog were written by author Matt Tuck As I write this the day before Halloween,...

by ComicArtTrends | October 18, 2021

The legacy of George Pérez.  Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe, CW, HBO Max - all take a moment to say thank you to George Pérez.  Pérez contributed pencil and artistic vision to many of the stories and characters busting out at the box office or binge-streaming...

by ComicArtTrends | October 3, 2021

With literally thousands of pages of original Conan art to his credit, it's easy to forget that John Buscema is more than a barbarian.  I'm not misusing the word literally by saying "Big" John Buscema was literally ten feet tall in the eyes of his young fans...

by ComicArtTrends | September 20, 2021

There's GOLD in them thar Bronze Age.  And when talking about Dark Knight artist Marshall Rogers, there's a double meaning.  Writer Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers combined on typewriter and Bristol paper to create a new ambiance for Bob Kane's hero.  But the new mirrored the old. ...

by ComicArtTrends | August 24, 2021

Super spies were all the rage in the Cold War Sixties: James Bond, the Man from U.N.C.L.E., Get Smart... and even Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.  Though Marvel introduced Sgt. Fury in 1963, Fury's most significant role in the Marvel Universe launched in Strange Tales #135 by...

by ComicArtTrends | June 21, 2021

A relatively few artists have made iconic contributions to Marvel Comics.  Based on his Conan the Barbarian comic art, Barry Windsor-Smith ranks in that class.  Recently, Jason Short wrote about BWS and the X-Men.  Jason focused on Windsor-Smith X-Men artistry from the eighties and...

by ComicArtTrends | June 12, 2021

I don't know what Asgardian Bifrost I've been hiding under.  But my kids had to tell me that Loki debuted on Disney Plus on June 9th.  Like Thor banished to the planet Sakaar in Ragnarok, I'm light-years from the center of the Disney Plus Marvel Universe.  While...