Author: Matt Tuck

by Matt Tuck | July 20, 2017

Much has been said lately about “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” and not all of it good. “Homecoming,” while it started with a huge opening weekend, has dropped at the box office. Despite the lackluster reception, “Homecoming” is nevertheless promoting interest in the Spider-Man universe especially...

by Matt Tuck | July 17, 2017

I stand my ground when it comes to the mark up on the first appearance of Carnage. Ever since Marvel’s Kevin Feige confirmed that Spider-Man would not be connected to Sony’s Venom movie (the short version is that Marvel’s licensing agreement with Sony...

by Matt Tuck | July 15, 2017

Why, Fox? Why? Why do you threaten us with a Channing Tatum Gambit movie? This joke has gone on long enough. Trolling is over. Who’s REALLY going to play Gambit. Wait...there really IS going to be a Gambit movie starring Channing Tatum? It’s hard to say...

by Matt Tuck | July 10, 2017

As we well know at this point, movie and television announcements spur comic sales. What’s even better is when that announcement is followed by a good movie, which isn’t always the case (remember X-Men: Apocalypse? The voice made Apocalypse sound like a chain...

by Matt Tuck | June 29, 2017

Ah, Kevin Feige, how you can heat up the collectors market with just a few words. The latest news came from an interview in which Feige was asked about Captain Britain. For those not familiar, he's Psylocke’s brother, Brian Braddock, who is a superpowered English version...

by Matt Tuck | June 27, 2017

Things aren’t looking so good for Venom. Sony has such big plans for one of Marvel’s (if not all of comics’) most popular sometimes-villain/sometimes-antihero. First there was the announcement of a solo Venom movie that Sony had said will lead to a Venom universe with spin-offs galore....

by Matt Tuck | June 23, 2017

Carnage sells. That is a fact. Back in 1992, Marvel was enjoying the popularity of Venom, which has yet to falter even after Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man 3” debacle, and they finally gave fans another symbiote. This one wasn’t drawn with the Todd McFarlane...

by Matt Tuck | June 15, 2017

A handy tool that you’ll see on is the Hottest Comics Tool. This tool lets you analyze the top-selling graded comics on eBay with a customizable date range. It’s no surprise that “New Mutants” #98 featuring Deadpool’s first appearance and “Amazing Spider-Man” #300 in...

by Matt Tuck | June 14, 2017

If you haven’t bought your copy of “Batman: Rebirth” issue 24…you probably need to search eBay listings. As it stands, sellers are pricing this one fairly high in quick fashion, with some Buy It Now options anywhere between $15-$25, so get ready to...

by Matt Tuck | June 9, 2017

A special thank you should go out to the DC cinematic universe for finally putting out a movie worthy of the buzz of its trailer: Wonder Woman! With the release of Wonder Woman and the praise it’s receiving, expect Diana’s sales to shoot...