Author: Peter Daddone

by Peter Daddone | January 20, 2021

While there is ALWAYS headline-grabbing movement on the weekly and monthly GoCollect charts (Can I please get my Star Wars comics back from grading!), there are some sneaky, under-the-radar movements that may lead to long-term growth.  Looking at the weekly and monthly charts, there...

by Peter Daddone | January 7, 2021

With the recent Boom in Star Wars comic prices (shout out to Matt Tuck's article here), I started to think a little bit about that other classic sci-fi space adventure series, Star Trek.   Star Wars and Star Trek both have an engaging fan base. ...

by Peter Daddone | December 23, 2020

Fans all over the Globe were toasting with gin, some of it probably Ryan Reynold's brand when it was announced that Deadpool 3 was in the works.  It was a tweet that certainly sent shockwaves throughout the Comic Collective.  Let's speculate on some potential big impacts Deadpool...

by Peter Daddone | December 22, 2020

Browse around your local comic shop or surf your favorite blog (Narrator's Voice: GoCollect!) and you'll hear tons of debate.  It is in the DNA of the Comic Collective to speculate, debate, and agitate!  Two titans of the Comic Collective, that are surely beyond debate, are Jack...

by Peter Daddone | December 5, 2020

"Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Spock. Predator vs. the Avengers?  Alien vs. Venom? A Marvel Predator tweet sent me out of my Vulcan mind! A Predator Marvel Release is Closer than We Think!

by Peter Daddone | November 30, 2020

Welcome to blog #2 of What Were They Thinking!  Submitted for your approval are two more head-scratching, hands to cheeks in disbelief, OMG covers.  Exploring these covers in detail also asks the question, "should you invest in them?" A Schomburg For The Ages!

by Peter Daddone | November 28, 2020

[caption id="attachment_89031" align="alignleft" width="201"] Amazing Spider-Man 129 cover by Ross Andru and John Romita, Sr.[/caption] Calculating when to go after your comic Holy Grail is not an easy task.  I'm using my anxiety rocks and I'm only writing about...

by Peter Daddone | November 26, 2020

Superheroes know how to make Thanksgiving interesting!  Here are three comics that feature Thanksgiving as part of the storyline.  Should you invest in them? Wanda Invites Her Father for Thanksgiving...Say What? Does this sound like your Thanksgiving...

by Peter Daddone | November 16, 2020

There is ONE Tweet this week that Trumped them all (I know, I know...I couldn't resist the pun though!) and that is, of course, centered around the Presidential Election.  How will the comic industry depict Joe Biden over the next four years?  Past Presidential Appearances in comic...

by Peter Daddone | November 14, 2020

Walking into your safe place...your happy place...(insert the name of your local comic shop here), what do you see?  Well,  you see lots of things!  There are familiar smiling faces.  There's the girl behind the counter with different-colored hair every week that knows your name and everyone...