Category: Comics in Movies & TV

by Mwilliams5 | August 11, 2020

In a previous post, I gave an overview of the attempts to get a Shang-Chi film off the ground, going as far back as the 1980s! It's finally happening next Summer. We will be enjoying Marvel Studio's vision for the character in Shang-Chi And The...

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by Ryan Kirksey | August 10, 2020

It's no secret that the big screen Fantastic Four has been one dreadful mistake after another. In the four attempts to tell a compelling, dramatic story of the First Family of superheroes, Fox failed on every turn. From the campy, cult classic from 1994 that was just...

by ARIELLAZO | August 10, 2020

The Silver Age marks when comics started to take off. Yes, the Golden Age laid the groundwork, but this is the era that made comics mainstream. Prior to this, much of the comics entailed horror, crime, and some superheroes. The implementation of the Comics Code Authority during...

by Ryan Kirksey | August 7, 2020

Almost two months ago, I wrote a piece about my thoughts on the Ultimate Fallout #4 boom which generated a lot of reactions on this site, on Facebook, and elsewhere. At that time, the CGC 9.8 book had just crossed the $800 sales threshold and...

by Mwilliams5 | August 7, 2020

The internet has been abuzz about the Shang-Chi movie in the last year. There was an announcement and subsequent plot detail leaks of the upcoming movie. Shang-Chi is certainly not one of Marvel’s household names, but that can absolutely be a good thing. As evidenced by...

by Matt Tuck | August 6, 2020

Thanks to Marvel taking over the publishing rights, it would be worth your investment dollars to watch 1989's Predator #1. Two years ago, prices for those early Predator comics were showing life on the market. In hindsight, some of this could have been...

by James Jou | August 5, 2020

In an attempt to not the hit the Secret Wars speculation dead horse over and over again, here we will look beyond the Beyonder’s key first appearance comic book of Secret Wars #1 and more towards some of the other possible players.     MOLECULE...

by Norman Robinson | August 4, 2020

"Game over man, game over!" This hilarious line by one of the more popular characters in Aliens (the movie) is somewhat prophetic. Those poor Colonial Marines don't last long against arguably the deadliest fictional creatures ever devised in cinema. I am speaking of course of that cult...

by Norman Robinson | August 3, 2020

Jeph Loeb the VP of Marvel Television had created a huge volume of substantial work while running the division for Marvel (2010-2019). He has given us hits like Daredevil, Luke Cage, and The Punisher to name the top series. Let's not forget Agents of Shield which had...

by dgagnon | August 2, 2020

World powers, the United States, and the Soviet Union were embroiled in a Cold War since the end of World War II.  The two countries battled one another in proxy in Korea than in Vietnam.  They used the space race as a vehicle to promote their...