Category: Key Issues

by Matt Tuck | July 5, 2020

Did you jump on the Omega Red bandwagon? You'll wish you had when you see the current values. OMEGA RED KEY ISSUES X-MEN #4 (1991) Even...

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by Matt Tuck | July 5, 2020

Could the Red Death make his live-action debut in 2022's The Flash? Time to stock up on Batman: The Red Death #1. With all the attention on alternate versions of Batman, it is easy to forget that the star of 2022's Flash movie is, well, the...

by Norman Robinson | July 4, 2020

Why is Ultimate Fallout #4 so darned popular now? For years it has just hung out. You might refer to an early post I did last year that warned Ultimate Fallout #4 was a solid investment or speculation depending on the time horizon and to pick a...

by Matt Tuck | July 4, 2020

There is investment potential for those Secret Invasion keys, particularly anything connected to the New Avengers. Since Endgame wrapped up the first era of the MCU, we've been wondering where the Avengers franchise is heading. Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow are gone. Thor...

by Matt Tuck | July 3, 2020

Yet another new character has been introduced to the Marvel Universe, Black Winter, which puts the investment target on Thor #5. THE MIDAS TOUCH Since Donny Cates joined Marvel's writing team, he has been handing out the new characters like candy on Halloween. In 2017, he...

by bdeschaine | July 3, 2020

In the pantheon of cool, young Marvel characters, Kate Bishop sits at the very top. This is really saying something when you consider characters like Miles Morales, Gwen Stacey, Kamala Khan, Gwen Poole, America Chavez, Sam Alexander, Amadeus Cho, Riri Williams, and Viv...

by Norman Robinson | July 2, 2020

The unwritten rule of investing in Marvel Comics is that Amazing Spider-Man volume one is the safest bet. One of our dear readers requested a write up on some aspect of first appearances in comic books. I have picked a forgotten first from ASM volume one; simply...

by dgagnon | June 30, 2020

Tilda Johnson, aka Deadly Nightshade, is the most versatile villain in comics. Her expertise includes biology, toxicology, robotics, and combat skills - all self-taught. She has turned heroes into werewolves, commandeered a SHIELD facility, and almost gender-swapped Captain America.  Her allies range from Yellow Claw to Superia...

by Matt Tuck | June 30, 2020

Just because it wasn't first doesn't make it last, at least not in the comic collecting world. Here are more second print comics and beyond that are worth your time. Second Print Keys Some famous second print comics are missing from today's post, and that's...

by Matt Tuck | June 29, 2020

With all the commotion for Miles Morales, Knull, and Virus, it's a good time to revisit an overshadowed member of the Spider-verse, Anti-Venom, and Amazing Spider-Man #569. Why Feature Anti-Venom? Miles Morales is...