Category: Key Issues

by Ryan Kirksey | July 26, 2020

A few days ago I was thinking back through some of my favorite villains from childhood comic collecting. Mainly, I remembered loving Rhino, Abomination (those two especially because I had the comic-record combo for Hulk #171), and Juggernaut. Apparently, I was a fan of large, monstrous...

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by Norman Robinson | July 25, 2020

"The third time is a charm," if that is the case; then Wolvie's third appearance and cameo could well be worthy of review. One of our readers definitely thought so and decided to request it in writing in our comments section available to everyone....

by ARIELLAZO | July 25, 2020

The Bronze Age of comics covers the time period from 1970 to 1985. It is also when my favorite comic came out, Giant Size X-Men #1. This era saw many new styles emerge with more minority superheroes and team-ups happening. This is also the era that we...

by Norman Robinson | July 23, 2020

The next generation is forging ahead toward true investment diversification. Up until now, portfolio diversity has been a good mix of index funds, or bonds, stocks, or gold and the like. All of these have had fantastic runs in the market over time. Another...

by Matt Tuck | July 22, 2020

Donny Cates has the Midas touch when it comes to new characters, but will Black Winter rise to Knull levels? Venom #3 has grabbed all the speculators' attention now that Knull is poised to take over the Marvel Universe. But there is another...

by dgagnon | July 22, 2020

Not every villain is gifted with superpowers, alien technology, or a super-genius mind.  Sometimes even a self-professed loser like Vincent Patilio can make a claim for infamy by refusing to quit despite numerous defeats and the ridicule that can come with it.  His Leap-Frog persona has been...

by Ryan Kirksey | July 21, 2020

For the last half of 2020, I am going to try and put several blog pieces together that look back at popular speculative books with the full benefit of hindsight. In doing so, I will try my best to consider books from generally the same time frame...

by Matt Tuck | July 21, 2020

The Knull market boom is not limited to Venom #3. Check out four other appearances of the God of the Symbiotes and his Necrosword that are all earning triple figures. Knull's Popularity There isn't a character hotter than Knull. After debuting two years...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | July 20, 2020

Sometimes in history, the right stories come at the right time. I'd argue that Doomsday Clock and the recent Watchmen TV Series are two of those examples. We, in the United States, are living in a time of change. It doesn't matter where you stand politically...

by Matt Tuck | July 19, 2020

WildC.A.T.S.' Grifter is returning to the DC Universe, but are there bigger implications at work? THE BIG NEWS The latest Grifter news is piquing the interest of speculators everywhere. DC Comics recently announced that the former Wildstorm Productions character will be appearing in...