Category: Key Issues

by Norman Robinson | May 24, 2020

Many fantastic and wonderous things came out of the 60s. Some of the most interesting 60s innovations were: the first computer game (Space Wars), BASIC computer language, the compact disc, the first handheld calculator, the period piece in every movie about the 60s, the Lava Lamp, and...

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by Norman Robinson | May 23, 2020

Three months wiser and the collectibles market is still thriving and for that matter so is the stock market. Investments are important in times of economic stress, primarily as a security blanket for those with limited means. The Depression was a long time ago, but the people...

by ARIELLAZO | May 23, 2020

This month saw the beginning of the pandemic affecting the Comic Book industry in many ways. Although Diamond didn't stop shipping till April 1st, many shops were already being forced to close. According to ComicChron, "While week 4 debuts had lower orders than for any week in...

by Matt Tuck | May 22, 2020

Time to add up the values and see whose picks are on the leader board for Fantasy Investing: Round Three. LAST MONTH'S FANTASY INVENTING PICKS After the first round of Fantasy Investing, my picks basically held their ground. In the end, my investments took a hit...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | May 22, 2020

We looked at his enemies already, but it doesn't mean the big green lug can't have any friends. Let's take a deeper look at the key issues of the Gamma Fam. (Can I copyright that?) The Immortal Hulk I won't rehash what I've said earlier,...

by Matt Tuck | May 21, 2020

With the impending arrival of the Gold Lantern Corps, (GLC), there is now 10 different colors for the Green Lantern, (GL) mythos. Is it worth your time to collect the different Corps' key issues? The new Gold Lantern won't boost values for the Corps, but the...

by Mike W | May 20, 2020

Here we go again! The latest news pertaining to Henry Cavill as Superman seems to be alive again. Previously, the news was dead on Cavill reprising the role due to salary disagreements. There is a possibility now that Warner Bros (WB) are considering bringing him back for...

by Matt Tuck | May 19, 2020

Spider-Man may be the hero, but Mary Jane's Silver Age appearances are collectors' gold as her keys heat up. Peter Parker and Mary Jane are as synonymous as Superman and Lois Lane or Reed and Sue Richards. They are an iconic couple, and it's just not...

by James Jou | May 19, 2020

To compete for newsstand space against magazines and DC Comics’ 100-pagers, Marvel began publishing their own thicker books… the Giant-Size. While the wildly unpopular and unvaluable Giant-Size X-Men #1 could benefit from more exposure with yet another article, we will instead look beyond to some of the...

by Norman Robinson | May 19, 2020

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are an interesting team-up. Both rely on technology to do their thing. Though Winter Soldier is supposed to be a Cap clone as far as physical abilities go. The Falcon is simply a normal combat soldier. The word combat should be...