Category: Key Issues

by Ryan Kirksey | April 27, 2020

Typically, we as collectors view Silver Age key comics as solid, low-risk investments. They are the blue-chip stocks we can count on to maximize a return on investment, and in the worst of all scenarios, they at least hold value over time. Well, I don't...

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by Matt Tuck | April 26, 2020

What would you pay for a single page from Superman's 1938 debut? What about one piece of Batman #1? Let's look at the market for detached pages from some of the landmark issues in DC Comics' history. Some keys' issues are so popular that even a single...

by Matt Tuck | April 25, 2020

Most of us may not have the cash to invest in a Detective Comics #27, but those reprints you've been collecting are worth digging out of your long boxes. Few of us are lucky enough to own a Detective Comics #27....

by ARIELLAZO | April 17, 2020

Time for round two of Blue Ocean Books! In case you forgot, Blue Ocean books are comics that no one is looking at right now. For example, when Marvel announced that Ronin would be in EndGame, everybody went crazy over the first appearance. That's called the Red...

by Matt Tuck | April 16, 2020

The market is bottoming out for high-priced Silver and Bronze Age comics, but how are the modern keys holding up? The short answer is that modern comics are holding steady. For the most part, the more popular keys aren't gaining value, but they aren't losing...

by Ryan Kirksey | April 15, 2020

With the overwhelming success of Marvel as not just a comic book company, but as an overall entertainment Juggernaut, it's hard to imagine a time when they were just a mediocre, struggling player in the comics industry. But in the early 1960s, Marvel - run by Stan...

by Matt Tuck | April 15, 2020

Wolverine's healing factor isn't helping Hulk #181 and Giant-Size X-Men #1's current values. However, if you found last year's prices ridiculously inflated, you'll like this news. There's no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the comic market. Depending on whether you're a buyer or...

by Matt Tuck | April 14, 2020

When copies of Amazing Spider-Man #1 drop to their lowest values in three years, it's time to take notice. On the bright side, it's a great time to be a buyer. After "COVID-19 Fallout: The Eternals" posted, I was met with...

by Norman Robinson | April 14, 2020

Anyone who has been collecting comics either for profit or just fun has experienced the joy of the hunt. Yes, much like a cheetah on the plains of Africa we stalk our prey. Then when the moment is right, we pounce! Our tenacity could give any...

by $Rico$ | April 13, 2020

As you probably know, there is much talk out there about a new Green Lantern movie in development.  The exact details are of course anyone's guess but what this article is going to focus on is a character that you might not have heard of………....