Category: Key Issues

by Matt Tuck | March 8, 2020

Which is the better investment: Hulk #180 or #181? Although #181 may get the nod as the "holy grail," Hulk #180 is the hotter comic with the stronger upside. With no shortage of casting speculation from questionable sources, it will only keep rising. Speaking...

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by Robert DOttavi | March 7, 2020

Just last week, I wrote about Mister Sinister (a personal favorite villain of mine) and how I believe he will be the main antagonist for the first Marvel Studios X-Men film. While conducting research for that article, I came across some prices for two major...

by ARIELLAZO | March 6, 2020

Since Endgame finished, fans have not stopped talking about mutants, especially the X-Men. Rumors say a Russian villain will be introduced in the Disney Plus TV Series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Question is who will this baddie be? Keep reading to find out!  ...

by Robert DOttavi | March 5, 2020

As far as the Marvel/Netflix period was concerned, I believe Iron Fist and Luke Cage were done the most dirty. While the Luke Cage show was well-received, once Mahershala Ali's Cottonmouth was killed off, I significantly lost interest in it (and that was six episodes...

by Norman Robinson | March 4, 2020

If you have been in business, long enough, you learn one incontrovertible fact: relationships matter. The comic book world is filled with all manner of people. They have a variety of different backgrounds, cultures, and life goals; there is no monolithic comic book speculator. When...

by Norman Robinson | March 4, 2020

Warner Brothers have been rumored to be working on a Justice League Dark series. One of the characters later in the series JLD was Etrigan the Demon. The Demon has been around DC since 1972. He first appeared in The Demon #1 by Jack Kirby who...

by Ryan Kirksey | March 3, 2020

There are some long-running comic book pairings that just make sense. Some of them are friendly or romantic like Spider-Man and Mary Jane, Wanda and Vision, or Captain America and Bucky. Others are more adversarial: the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange and Fin Fang Foom,...

by Norman Robinson | March 2, 2020

He is green, has long ears, the bearing of a high priest, the light step of a warrior-athlete and the wisdom of a philosopher. Yep, time to get our collective Yoda on. The most important thing Yoda brought to the Force was an explanation. He...

by Robert DOttavi | March 1, 2020

Jack Kirby's premiere issue of the New Gods opens with the bold proclamation, "There came a time when the Old Gods died!" It is an iconic and instantly recognizable phrase that has shaped pop culture for decades. A few years ago, it was announced that Selma...

by Norman Robinson | February 29, 2020

GoCollect has many hidden treasures, one of its best is the comic book popularity ranking system done on a rolling monthly basis. This month, GoCollect has named the top ten comics of the Modern-Bronze Age and they are predominately from one publisher,...