Category: Key Issues

by ARIELLAZO | February 11, 2020

You can't be a comic fan and NOT know who the X-Men are. Matter of fact, I bet many of you can even name every X-Men there ever was, right? Well, you might be wrong! There is one X-Men who has been part of the team for...

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by Norman Robinson | February 11, 2020

The latest info on the movie: Birds of Prey is anecdotal. I simply pulled up reservations online for the theater I attend near my house. I went on one of their movie websites to check on the status. There are currently eleven seats taken less...

by Ryan Kirksey | February 8, 2020

There is plenty of talk and speculation right now, including from yours truly, as to who the next on-screen villain will be for the MCU Spider-Man. Will it be Kraven? Scorpion? Doctor Octopus? The complete roster of the Sinister Six? An entire symbiote army? The possibilities seem...

by Ryan Kirksey | February 7, 2020

With the overwhelming success of the MCU's venture into major crossover events such as Civil War and Infinity War (Infinity Gauntlet in the 1991 comic miniseries), the smart bet is for the MCU to continue to inundate us with these popular character crossover events with their short-...

by ChargingGoat | February 6, 2020

If you have followed my blogging, you are probably aware that I have a bias against Jared Leto.  It is not personal, it is just that I hate the fact that he is probably going to ruin Morbius, and therefore tank all related comic values.  We...

by ARIELLAZO | February 5, 2020

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the amazing achievements and movements started by African Americans throughout time. But as we all know, comics also reflect what is happening in the world. Just as we saw many firsts involving African Americans in fields...

by Matt Tuck | February 4, 2020

The Christmas season may be over, but it's still a buyer's market for your "holy grails." Starting in November, most high-priced keys lose value, but when will things turn around? Soon, so be patient and hold tight. If you have been...

by Norman Robinson | February 3, 2020

Truly unique comic books are hard to come by. Often a "new" story or superhero has been created many times before. But occasionally a comic book is created that speaks to a generation. Perhaps that generation is yearning for something new, something like a...

by James Jou | February 1, 2020

A disturbance has been sensed in the market of a few lower tier Daredevil antagonists.  A peculiar uptick.     DAREDEVIL #8 (1965) The major significance of Daredevil #8 is...

by Norman Robinson | February 1, 2020

All of the major conventions are at first a marvelous immersion into pop culture. Then, reality hits home as a fan and you go from one con to the next all with the sinking feeling that there are fewer and fewer comic books at each...