Category: Key Issues

by Norman Robinson | January 31, 2020

The Justice League Dark has been resurrected by the media wizard himself, J.J. Abrams. The latest hype has Bad Robot up to "all kinds of good," and the rumor is that Warner Brothers has a deal with J.J. Abrams to produce Justice League Dark. Apparently,...

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by Matt Tuck | January 30, 2020

Thanks to Disney+, Young Avengers #10 & #12 and Astonishing X-Men #6 are going to get much more popular in the next year. ...

by Ryan Kirksey | January 29, 2020

An interesting post over at popped up in mid-January with a prediction based on some seemingly innocuous information. With filming locations confirmed for Spider-Man 3 (Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles, and Iceland), they speculated that a location with as much...

by ChargingGoat | January 28, 2020

Let's raise a glass and have a toast to the New Year!  Ok.  How about another? Maybe a double?  ALRIGHT!  Quick cocktail with a floater.  Now we are ready to blog because Stark and Iron, robot waffles amrldr tttttttttrrrrrrrrrr......Whoa.  Sorry, passed...

by Matt Tuck | January 28, 2020

All that Incredible Hulk #449 speculation from last summer is about to pay dividends thanks to a major rumor connected to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.  The word on...

by James Jou | January 27, 2020

When Martin Li (aka Mr. Negative) cured Eddie Brock of his cancer, it had the unintended consequence of creating one heck of an awesome looking Venom costume. A Mr. Negative-inspired black and white color reversal of the classic Venom design. With limited costume options for Venom, surely...

by Matt Tuck | January 27, 2020

If you haven’t picked up Young Avengers #1, you are behind the curve.  The Young Avengers are coming to the MCU sooner or later. The latest rumor has Hulkling...

by Matt Tuck | January 26, 2020

Could it be that after years of market stagnation 1977’s Star Wars #1 is showing signs of life? The gains aren’t spectacular, but that does appear to be the case. CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC So far...

by James Jou | January 25, 2020

While most of the Hulk-related attention has been on rumors of Hulk’s movie rights returning to Marvel and speculation surrounding She-Hulk, here are a few higher-numbered issues of Incredible Hulk on the rise that may have been flying under the radar.    

by James Jou | January 25, 2020

“What’s up Doc?” After the Vulture and Mysterio showed up in the MCU, the complicated web and secret workings of character rights left many fans wondering where that left Sony’s original 2013 plans for a Sinister Six movie. Then came the surprise Vulture cameo in the...