Category: Comics

by Todd A Neikirk | January 28, 2023

The NBA is an incredibly popular sport, not only in the United States but globally. That means that there are many potential card collectors out there. They might not know where to start. If you wanted to start a basketball card collection with an eye toward investment,...

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by Matt Tuck | January 28, 2023

There’s a hot rumor making the rounds that the MCU’s Guardians of the Galaxy cast will change course for the all-new DCU. It all stems from a recent interview with Empire in which DC Studios co-chair...

by Matt Tuck | January 28, 2023

The Last of Us was trending across more than just HBO Max as it cracked the Hottest Comics this week, and it brought a few friends in tow. It’s time to dive deeper into the Hottest Comics to see what comics...

by Doug Ohlandt | January 28, 2023

It’s time once more for Undervalued and Overlooked Comics! This time we’ll be looking at the Silver Age. Take a look at the comics that are flying under most collectors’ radar. First Classic Green Arrow Costume

by Ryan Kirksey | January 27, 2023

Considering the original 1984 Secret Wars series, key issues, various sequels, toy lines, variants covers, and a movie on the way in a few years, it's easy to forget there was a time before there was ever a concept known as "Secret Wars." But...

by Matt Tuck | January 27, 2023

As Marvel Studios digs deeper into the comics for the next stars of stage and screen, it’s no surprise that they are reportedly eying a team of oddballs worthy of this week’s trophy. There are plenty of villains in line for

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | January 27, 2023

On November 18 2022, Rally made shares of a CGC 8.0 Batman #1 (Larsen copy) available to the public. Today, they've announced a record-breaking buyout offer. Should it be accepted by the shareholders, it'll set a new high for both the grade and for any comic ever...

by Don | January 27, 2023

While the Great Comic Crash of 2022 demonstrated the dangers of investing in Modern Age books, I have kept my eye on a few Modern keys that I believe may have some upside. Two of these issues are War of the Realms Agents of Atlas...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 26, 2023

A person who fishes rarely reveals a honey hole; as soon as word gets out, everyone will be there dropping their line. I have kept a secret that has given me an advantage as a comic book hobbyist. This secret was given to me decades ago and...

by Matt Tuck | January 26, 2023

It was a crowded field in the Hottest Comics as Cable’s first appearance managed to edge past two Marvel holy grails as this week’s biggest mover. Before we climb into the list, let’s take a moment to remind you what these numbers are...