ComicList: BOOM! Studios New Releases for Wednesday, May 1, 2024, by Charles LePage. #NCBD #NewComicBookDay #ReadMoreComics

Alice Never After TP, $19.99
Firefly Return To The Earth That Was Volume 3 TP, $17.99
Ghostlore #10 (Cover A Reiko Murakami), $4.99
Ghostlore #10 (Cover B Sally Cantirino), $4.99
Ghostlore #10 (Cover C Sally Cantirino Virgin Variant), AR
Grim #16 (2nd Printing Cover A Flaviano), $3.99
Ranger Academy #7 (Cover A Miguel Mercado), $3.99
Ranger Academy #7 (Cover B Jo Mi-Gyeong Character Variant), $3.99
Ranger Academy #7 (Cover C Jo Mi-Gyeong), AR
Ranger Academy #7 (Cover D G.B. Borea Virgin Variant), AR
Something Is Killing The Children #36 (Cover J Stanley Artgerm Lau Black/White/Red Thank You Variant), AR

PLEASE NOTE- not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Please let me know if any of this information is inaccurate. Use the ComicList Printable Checklist to create shopping list to use at your local comic book shop. Subscribe to our Shipping This Week and Shipping Next Week email lists, and to the The Comic Collective.

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