ComicList: Dark Horse Comics New Releases for Wednesday, March 22, 2023, by Charles LePage.

Blue Book #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Michael Avon Oeming), $4.99
Blue Book #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Josh Hixson), $4.99
Blue Book #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Javier Rodriguez Virgin Variant), AR
Colonel Weird And Little Andromeda HC, $29.99
Existentially Challenged Novel SC, $12.99
Groo Gods Against Groo #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Sergio Aragones), $3.99
Joe Death And The Graven Image TP, $24.99
Kings Of Nowhere Volume 2 TP, $19.99
Order And Outrage #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Rags Morales), $4.99
Order And Outrage #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Jim Starlin), $4.99
Overwatch New Blood HC, $24.99
Parasomnia Volume 2 The Dreaming God TP, $19.99
Powers Volume 3 TP, $29.99
Shadow Regent Novel SC, $19.99
Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 7 TP (2nd Edition), $29.99
War Birds TP, $19.99

Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt Geralt Toussaint Tourney Armor Figure, AR
Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt Imlerith Figure, AR
Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt Vesemir Figure, AR

PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Please let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. Use the ComicList Printable Checklist to create shopping list for your local comic book shop. Visit GoCollect and use their next-generation, near real-time comic book price guide. Subscribe to our New Releases Lists and The Comic Collective.

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