In the plagued city of Yharnam, hunters Gretchen and Abraham search for their missing protégé. Under the blood moon, a scourge of beasts stalk the streets, and a new threat lurks around every corner. The duo must venture deep into the depths of the chalice dungeons in order to find Lucien, but malignant and ancient horrors await them. Will they find him? And what terrifying surprise awaits them if they do?
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Piotr Kowalski
FC, 32pp, $3.99, On sale October 11, 2023
AUG231047 Cover A: Alison Sampson
AUG231048 Cover B: Chris Shehan
AUG231049 Cover C: Letizia Cadonici
AUG231050 Cover D: Damien Worm