The first graphic novel in this ground-breaking series written by the legendary Michael Moorcock and illustrated by one of the true masters of the comic arts, Walt Simonson.

Collecting the first six issues of the Multiverse series, the story sees diverse heroes from Moorcock's sprawling Eternal Champion series united in a common quest to stop the criminal mastermind Silverskin from destroying the multiverse.

MULTIVERSE is Moorcock's epic 12 issue series combining three unique and separate storylines from the Eternal Champion novels into one centuries-spanning epic story that unites Elric of Melnibone, Sir Seaton Begg, Silverskin, Sam Oakenhurst and Rose Von Beck in an adventure told across thousands of years of time.

With one of three artists illustrating each story, Walt Simonson on Moonbeams and Roses, John Ridgeway on Duke Elric and Mark Reeve on The Metatemporal Detective. Set across three unique locations and time-lines, the three story arcs follow the mutual search for the enigmatic underworld crime lord, Silverskin concluding with the convergence of the three plots.

In Moonbeams and Roses, hero Jack Karaquazian does battle in a meta-universal game of chance with leading characters from the Moorcock universe including Moorcock and Simonson themselves.

While in The Metatemporal Detective ace detective Sir Seaton Begg and his companion Dr. Taffy Sinclair investigate a series of seemingly unrelated crimes in the period between world wars, crimes involving Adolf Hitler.

Finally in Duke Elric, the albino emperor himself is magically transported to the Middle East in 1000AD and forced to embark on a quest to return him home.

The Michael Moorcock Library: The Multiverse Vol. 1 is out December 5, 2023 (UK) and December 12, 2023 (US) at bookstores, comic shops and digital.

Author: Michael Moorcock
Illustrators: Walt Simonson, John Ridgway and Mark Reeve
Publisher: Titan Comics
HC, 160 pages, FC, $29.99
ISBN: 9781787740808
On sale December 5, 2023 (UK) / December 12, 2023 (US)