Dark Reign Updateby Elisabeth@TFAW

Hey guys! We’re back for another action-packed Dark Reign update! Every week we’ve been recapping and reviewing Marvel’s Dark Reign crossover event, and the number of comics just keeps growing! There are nine titles in the mix this week–some super awesome, some ehhh–so hold onto your hats and be prepared–I try not to give too many details away, but there are SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

Amazing Spider-Man #598Oh my god you guys! “American Son” has been so awesome! Unlike some titles under the “Dark Reign” banner that seemingly have a tenuous connection to the main storyline, it makes total sense to include Spidey–he has so much history with the Osborn family (uh . . . I think. I’m kind of confused as to how “Brand New Day” affected everything) that it adds an additional layer of emotional resonance to the story. Amazing Spider-Man #598 is the next-to-last issue in the “American Son” story arc, and it finds Spidey being tortured by Bullseye and Osborn after being sold out by Harry Osborn–who has joined his father to help his pregnant girlfriend, Lily, escape the effects of the Goblin serum!

Norman wants Harry to join the family business–as superhero American Son! But if you know anything about Norman Osborn, you know that not everything is what it seems. Still, I was shocked by a couple of reveals, which show how far Normie will go to manipulate his son for his own selfish, grandiose dreams. Amazing Spider-Man #599 will hopefully show Harry destroying his father!

Dark Wolverine #75I wasn’t sure if I’d like Dark Wolverine #75–I hadn’t really warmed to the character of Daken, Wolverine’s long-lost son. But now I’m intrigued by him and interested in where this story is leading.

First, let me say that it’s really weird to see someone else in Wolverine’s original costume. As an old-school Uncanny fan, I realize I still have that knee-jerk warm feeling when I see him. But Daken is not a scrapper with a heart of gold. He’s a vicious, selfish schemer, and a crafty strategic thinker who is setting up Bullseye for a huge fall. Why? Is it part of a larger plan, or does he just like chaos? Also, he can manipulate people by releasing pheromones–and it’s implied that he will use women–and men–sexually to get what he wants! Innnnnteresting. I can’t wait for Dark Reign Wolverine #76.

Dark Reign Hood #2Dark Reign Hood #2 was one of the comics that was ehhh instead of super awesome. I don’t really care about The Hood, and his personality and story seem fragmented from title to title. In New Avengers he’s been totally taken over by Dormammu. In the Cabal, he’s the “super” villain who seems completely out of his league when grouped with Dr. Doom, Namor, and Loki. In his own series, he’s supposed to be an ordinary hood who’s tormented by his conscience and trying to take care of his sick mother while balancing a family with a life of crime.

In short, it seems like he’s not a compelling enough character–or important enough to enough creators–to have a solid through-line. He even looks totally different from book to book, and not just because he “demons out” a lot. It makes it tough to care about the character, and his solo storyline isn’t anything new or exciting. Perhaps Dark Reign Hood #3 will prove me wrong.

Secret Warriors #5Secret Warriors #5 hits the ground running and doesn’t stop! Nick Fury has recruited the old guard–his former Howling Commandos–and they’re attacking H.Y.D.R.A. to try to jack some helicarriers for their own uses!

Of course, H.Y.D.R.A. isn’t going down without a fight, and Fury’s forces are quickly outnumbered. The tide looks like it might turn at the end, when Fury’s Secret Warriors teleport onto the scene, right when some H.Y.D.R.A. dude has his boot on Fury’s neck! This is a nice enough action comic, and the artwork is great. It was nice seeing the “old guard” be sneaky and take out some young whippersnappers, but I could probably take or leave Secret Warriors #6.

Thunderbolts #133The last title I’m going to cover today is Thunderbolts #133. I don’t have any history with this title, but I know that most of the original Thunderbolts, and their premise (bad guys posing as good guys), have moved on over to Dark Avengers, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s caught my attention, so far! Turns out the new Black Widow, leader of Osborn’s Thunderbolts, is actually reporting to another boss–a great reveal at the end of the comic! However, her teammate Ghost has caught on, so who knows what will happen next.

In other news, Osborn’s goons are trying to clean up the streets by clearing out the homeless, and cracking some skulls when they feel like it. This prompts the re-emergence of former Thunderbolts member Songbird (who I had to look up on Wikipedia–she looks like a combination of Dazzler and Phoenix). Oh, and it turns out that the new Ant Man totally faked his way in. And now wants out. Good luck with that, buddy–see you in Thunderbolts #134.

Other Dark Reign titles that I didn’t have time to cover include:

So what did you all think? There are a ton of miniseries entering Dark Reign–do you think they add to the story, or are they polluting the waters? Post your comments below!